Even though everyone else seems to think that the after is better than the before — I have to say I actually agree with you that the first is more attractive. I am strongly advising you to NOT get jaw surgery because it sounds like you and I are alike, and I don’t want you to regret your surgery the way I regret mine.
In the before picture, even if the bone development is not the most forward, the curvature from the cheekbone to the rest of the cheek is smooth and the cheekbones appear at the highest point. It is still a feminine look, just not the super straight forward growth profile most people, especially in the West, prefer.
The after might look better at a superficial glance. But after observing it more closely, you can see that in the after, the upper cheek volume is (or at least appears) decreased. Most importantly, there is that ‘break’ in the area from the cheekbones to the rest of the cheek (like a small indentation that old people have when their skin starts to sag). This indentation area can smoothen after swelling goes down if you are someone with high cheekbones to begin with. However, if you have low cheekbones, this will WORSEN when swelling goes down because the swelling around the cheekbones will go down BUT the skin beneath the cheekbones will not (at least not enough to not make it look indented and droopy). And trust me, under natural, non-artificial lighting, you will look so incredibly old for your age. And it’s not just the 3/4 profile view that looks bad, it’s obvious front on too.
If you asked me before I got my surgery which one looks better, like everyone else, I would say the after picture looks better. But that would be because I did not know how to accurately access things photo vs real-life. And in real life, a lot of people would want a slightly recessed but feminine, smooth-skinned woman over a more straight-profile woman who has drooping, sagging cheeks and a manly lower face. A good looking front face and 3/4th profile is all that matters. Who cares if you have a slightly more ideal side profile if you are going to have an uglier 3/4 and front face?
This also depends a lot on your own skin and facial features. If you are Asian, this result will look terrible on you compared to a non-Asian person because if you are Asian, you probably have a flatter face, and getting this maxillary advancement will cause you to basically not have cheekbones after this surgery and look super pudgy. A non-Asian person might have more bone in their face so that they can look fine or even more proportioned after this surgery.
I really think people need to know that makeup and lighting in photos can sway your judgements on the outcomes of the surgery. In real life, there can be severe aesthetic downsides EVEN with a result that looks good in photos. In the Facebook Jaw Surgery groups, why do the before photos often have no filters but the after photos have a filter or heavy makeup applied on them? Let me tell you why: the skin has this skin-break issue and the filter hides it.
I heavily agree with others, you should 100% reconsider this surgery. At the very least, Western surgeons do not have the same aesthetic as you do and you should not go to them.