Author Topic: please, Im begging, recommend a good surgeon for me.  (Read 3453 times)


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please, Im begging, recommend a good surgeon for me.
« on: January 21, 2023, 08:47:03 PM »
I have made a bunch of posts on this forum that don't get replies, and I. need desperate help. Most surgeons I meet seem to want to dissuade me from the surgery, or do not want to advance me much. I have a SEVERELY hypoplastic maxilla, am downward grown, with a flat occlusal plane, and bimax protrusion. My face is aging terribly due to the lack of any type of mandibular, maxillary, or zygomatic projection. I need a surgeon who can fix me. Through a combination of implants and surgery, I need a more projected midface, and less dorwnward grown jaw, and to be within normal human ranges, or as close as I can get. I have the money to pay any surgeon, and Ill do it. I just need a surgeon who wont advance me 5 mm and call it a day, and claim that since Im not syndromatix im ok. Im obviously severely recessed and downward grown and getting jowels in my early 20s. Last surgeon I went to recommended like a 4 mm advancement that did basically nothing aesthetically. Who can help someone like me? I need less downward growth and more projection everywhere, and to have a more square masculine face. I cant handle looking like this any longer, being so recessed with no zygos and such a downswung mandible that even at 10% bf my cheeks look fat when I smile. Please help me. Give me asurgeon who can help a case like mine.

I will attach pics with numbers and such from my latest work up. Please someone knowledgeable reply. I need this desperately. tell me a surgeon who can help me and ill consult with them asap


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Re: please, Im begging, recommend a good surgeon for me.
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2023, 07:09:43 AM »
Can you post more records? Or email photos of what you look like in the flesh. It looks like you do have downward growth, yet you also have an underbite, which is a unique combination. I'd have to see this with more records to really understand it better.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Re: please, Im begging, recommend a good surgeon for me.
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2023, 03:37:06 PM »
Can you post more records? Or email photos of what you look like in the flesh. It looks like you do have downward growth, yet you also have an underbite, which is a unique combination. I'd have to see this with more records to really understand it better.

yes of course! thank you so much for the response. What types of records would you be looking for, CBCT scan. doctors appointment notes, ...etc, and where should I send them??


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Re: please, Im begging, recommend a good surgeon for me.
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2023, 09:27:17 PM »
Have you checked Dr. Larry Wolford in Dallas?

He has plenty of experience with complex cases. He is a reference in revision cases. I saw some of his patients (most were complex revisions).

It is an exaggeration that he recommends TMJ prosthesis for all patients. He did not suggest that for me (even though he checked my joints). However, he does not work with facial implants (cheek implants, jaw implants). He believes they look unnatural as you age. He does not work with hydroxypathite paste (he thinks it is kind of unpredictable so he prefers not to use it). 

So, you would need a two step process if you go with Dr. Wolford. First jaw surgery and then implant surgery with another surgeon.


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Re: please, Im begging, recommend a good surgeon for me.
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2023, 06:38:29 AM »
- Dr Pagnoni (Italy)
- Dr Raffani (Italy)
- Dr Augusto Pary (Brazil)
- Dr Ramieri (Italy)
- Prof Alfaro (Spain)

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