Author Topic: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.  (Read 9927 times)


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6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« on: August 21, 2013, 08:34:15 PM »
Hey I just wanted to give an update on everything.  My surgery was on Thursday the 15th to move the jaws and then I had another surgery today because a metal bracket from my braces popped off during surgery and got sewn inside the cut.

To be honest I am having a really, really tough time with recovery. 

When I woke up from surgery I was wired shut which I was not expecting.  They said my lower jaw muscles were so tight that it was hard to move the lower jaw forward.  They were concerned about the muscle tension causing relapse so they wired me shut for 3 weeks.

The first surgery took them 8 hours to do.  When I woke up in recovery they took out the catheter and intubation tube from my nose which really hurt.  Then this nurse started wheeling me really fast to my room and i started vomiting blood uncontrollably.  It literally was SPRAYING out of my wired-shut mouth 3-4 feet on the walls, beds, nurses everywhere.  Just the sheer amount if it was unbelievable.  It was like a scene from Kill Bill.  They got a suction hose and started suctioning out my mouth because they did not want to cut the wires.  I felt like I was choking on my blood.  It was coming out my nose also.  Then an hour or two later when I stood up the same thing happened again.  The surgeon later told me I lost about 2 liters of blood during the surgery (which is about half a gallon).  I must have swallowed most of it.

When I tried to go to the bathroom later I felt like I had to pee so bad but could not pee.  I think the anesthesia effects the muscles in the urinary tract.  When I finally did get to pee it burned so much.  It was honestly so painful.  The pain stopped by the second day after but my urinary stream was very weak until about Day 5.  It is so incredibly frustrating to feel like you have to pee so bad and not be able to go.

The actual pain from the surgery was the most bearable thing actually.  It feels more like being numb and doesn't hurt.  My lips, tongue, teeth, nose everything was completely numb.  By around Day 5 I started to recover a lot of feeling.  I can feel my tongue completely now which is a huge relief.  The first night I started getting scared if I would ever be able to talk again and how my life would be ruined if I couldn't speak any more.  But the surgeon said they had an advanced cone-beam machine that they used to locate the nerves during surgery.  He assured me that they 100% did not cut the nerve and that all the feeling will come back again.

They did end up doing the genioplasty (2mm vertical and 5mm forward advancement) along with planned 7.1mm lower jaw advancement and 5mm upper advancement with no impaction (except 1mm from the lefort).  The Le Fort was a two-piece LeFort and I believe they widened the upper jaw about 3mm.  I have not made an aesthetic judgements on my face at all right now as to whether the moves look good.  There is no point.  I am swollen as huge as a balloon.  The swelling seemed to increase up to day 3 for me then went down a lot around day 5, but it is still too soon to judge anything. 

I spent 2 nights at the hospital and then went home.  After getting home I desperately still wished I was at the hospital.  I was drooling everywhere and my gums were bleeding still.   My nose had a ton of hard dry blood in it that I tried to get out with wet q tips.  Some of the pieces were literally humongous.  Blood smells so disgusting.  Every few minutes I wanted to use syringes to wash my mouth out because it smells and tastes so bad.  But as soon as I stop rinsing it just starts accumulating again. 

Honestly these were very dark days for me.  I just started feeling so depressed being wired shut, struggling to eat anything and being so hungry.  Also my mom has been a lifesaver but my dad has had no sympathy, yelling at me for dripping blood everywhere and making a mess when trying to eat at home.  He just seems so freaked out and unable to cope with everything.

The antibiotic they gave me Clindomycin to take at home is liquid and tastes so horrible.  It burns really bad going down.  In the hospital they give it through iv which is so much better.   I was supposed to take it three times a day.  But is is so hard to take on an empty stomach.  It made me really nautious after I took it and I could feel it burning in my stomach like fire each time I took it.  By the third dose I started vomiting after taking it.  I was throwing up all day.  I could not hold any fluids down.  I begged my mom to take me to the emergency room.  She called the surgeon and he said to go to ER to get admitted. They immediately gave me i.v fluids and said my potassium was very low.

The next day they did an x-ray and discovered the metal piece in my gums and said they needed to do another surgery to get it out as soon as possible.  So they planned the surgery for 2 days later to give me time to get i.v. fluids.  They felt like I was too weak to handle another surgery immediately.  I was devastated at the thought of having to be put under again and another surgery that would require new cuts to my gums. 

So today, 6 days after surgery 1 they did surgery 2.  They said the vomit had caused some of the sutures to come out so they re-did them and got the metal piece out.  Because of the vomiting after the first surgery they gave me a different anesthesia medicine.  After I woke up in recovery this time i did not feel nautious at all.  But then I started literally crying for no reason.  I just felt overwhelmingly sad for no reason.  I think I was crying uncontrollably for 20 minutes.  Then when the nurses wheeled me to my room all of a sudden I started getting angry and combative for no reason.  I started throwing things at the nurses.  Then I started crying again.  It was literally one of the weirdest things I have ever experienced and I felt like it was all happening involuntarily.  The doctors said the anesthesia can have this side effect in some people and was quite common. 

My face has ballooned huge again after the second surgery.  The pain is manageable and this surgery had no effect on numbnesss.  I am still wired shut and starving.  I have not had food in 6 days besides the apple juice, clear ensure, broth and water. 

Anyway.  Sorry if this is a rambling mess.  In spite of everything I still think the surgery will turn out for the best.  i have to be honest i was totally unprepared to deal with all of this though.  I definitely am not trying to scare anyone off from jaw surgery.  The actual pain is manageable to be honest the vomiting has been the hardest part for me and I don't think that happens to most people.  Also, most people do not have to get wired either.

Sorry for any typos...I typed this in my iphone and i am still out if it kind of with the pain meds
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 09:51:06 AM by sanddunes »


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2013, 08:47:19 PM »

This is the most dramatically horrific recovery story I have ever heard (well actually I've heard some bad s**t by now, but this is pretty bad). It wasn't rambling at all, great details (however disturbing).

My friend, hopefully the worst, and I mean it doesn't get much worse from what you've recounted is behind you. To those anticipating surgery (and I count myself amongst them) I don't think your experience is the norm at all. That said, I'm sure it's all looking good from here. Please do keep us up to date on your recovery.


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2013, 08:48:52 PM »
Thanks Lazlo.  I really feel like the worst is behind me also


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2013, 12:32:24 PM »
Why not try drinking some milk? That has plenty of calories/calcium. It would probably be good for your recovery.

Why did the first surgery take 8 hours? That sounds like a really long time for a basic jaw surgery. Are you sure they didn't screw up at all? I mean they wired your jaw shut, which they said they weren't going to do, you lost lots of blood and vomited lots, and they even left some metal in your gums. That sounds like a screw up to me.


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2013, 12:33:09 PM »
Why not try drinking some milk? That has plenty of calories/calcium. It would probably be good for your recovery.

Why did the first surgery take 8 hours? That sounds like a really long time for a basic jaw surgery. Are you sure they didn't screw up at all? I mean they wired your jaw shut, which they said they weren't going to do, you lost lots of blood and vomited lots, and they even left some metal in your gums. That sounds like a screw up to me.

dude how you feeling now?


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2013, 01:57:47 PM »
Thats scary, I hope that you are feeling much better each day :)


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2013, 03:04:05 PM »
wow sanddunes, that was rather intense to read, sorry you had to go through this, just know now it's all behind you, I think that staying on apple juice for all this time will most likely slow down the recovery, I'd say buy some protein powder and mix it with water well and drink it, this well help speed up the recovery.


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2013, 03:29:12 PM »
Dude...this is so rough.  I am 7 weeks out and I thought my first two weeks were bad!!  Just drink as much as you can - non-acidic is best, I found if your mouth is sensitive.  Milk and water.  If you are OK with acidic, then Gatorade helps too.  But I felt like milk and Atkins shakes were great - the Ensure was too sweet and upset my stomach.


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2013, 08:43:25 AM »
Hey everyone,

I am doing so much better now 9 days post-op.  I still have a lot of swelling from the second surgery but the bleeding in the mouth/nose has stopped which is a huge relief.  Also, the surgeon cleared me to go back to a full liquid diet, so I am drinking Ensure/Milk, protein powder, etc. which has brought my energy levels way up.  I have lost about 15 pounds so far.  I stopped taking the Roxycet (Oxycodone) which I think along with the Clindamycin on an empty stomach was making me nautious and caused all the vomiting.  I would rather deal with a little more pain than the nausea and dizziness.

I did find out that during the second surgery (to remove the piece of metal left in my gum), they found that a lot of the sutures had come open and a minor infection had already started in the gums.  This was probably caused by all the vomiting and stomach acid in the mouth.  So they re-sutured everything and flushed all the wounds out with dis-infectant.  In a way the second surgery turned out to be a good thing, because with my mouth wired shut I do not think they would have seen the damage that had been done by the vomiting and the infection.

Functionally I can already tell the surgery is going to help me so much.  My breathing is 100% better than it has ever been.  I never even realized how poorly I breathed until now.  Also, having a normal bite feels so much more natural, and I think it is going to fix all the muscle tension problems I used to have in my lower jaw.  Before the surgery it felt like somebody was constantly holding a hand up against my neck/lower jaw area and choking me.

Also, I used to never keep my mouth fully closed because it was so uncomfortable. Now when I bite it is like everything fits together the way it was meant to and it is effortless.  It feels amazing.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 10:23:16 AM by sanddunes »


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2013, 08:56:42 AM »

Why did the first surgery take 8 hours?  That sounds like a really long time for a basic jaw surgery. Are you sure they didn't screw up at all? I mean they wired your jaw shut, which they said they weren't going to do, you lost lots of blood and vomited lots, and they even left some metal in your gums. That sounds like a screw up to me.

Yeah 8 hours seems like an extreme amount of time for a normal jaw surgery.  Before the surgery they told me it would take about 4 hours.  They did say they had to strip some muscle from the lower jaw because it was tight as a guitar string and it was more difficult than anticipated to move forward.  That is why they told me the surgery took so long.

I doubt I will ever really know what happened in there.  This is why if I had the money I would have gone to a private surgeon instead of having the surgery at a public-university teaching hospital (which was the only place my insurance would cover it in-network).   I think there were 4 residents assisting with my surgery along with the main surgeon.  If one of the residents screwed something up I doubt they would tell me.  The metal left in the gums was definitely a screw up.  But as screw ups go it isn't the end of the world compared to if they had screwed up something like cutting through a nerve by accident.

Based on the x-rays post-surgery they said that all the plates/screws etc. are in the right place and all the moves did go according to plan.  From what I can tell so far the moves they made look good.  I am still really swollen, but I can tell my lower jaw/chin position look way better already.  Also, it looks like I gained 1-2mm of tooth show from the upper forward advancement which I needed. 

The bottom line I think is that you probably do get what you pay for and if you can afford the best surgeons your chances of complications will go down a lot. 
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 12:11:02 PM by sanddunes »


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2013, 08:11:41 PM »
They just said any infection has to be taken extremely seriously to prevent further complications like it spreading to the bone.  They seemed really worried about it yesterday because the tissue didn't seem to be healing up as fast as they would like to close the hole in the gums.

I am rinsing with warm salt water all the time.  But if I don't rinse it out constantly I notice that there is still puss-like fluid coming out of it.  So I am pretty worried about it.  I am going back to the surgeon tomorrow to have it irrigated again.


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2013, 10:43:38 AM »
Sorry to hear about your infection. You didn't need that extra bit of fun did you? Was this infection in the same place they left the metal bracket in and had to go back in to get it or a totally different place?
You have a very positive attitude which is going to help you get through all this.
Hey have you heard of Dr. Pat Ricalde in Tampa -- pekay suggested I might get a consult with her because she worked for some years with Dr. Posnick who is a big name in the orthognathic field. Didn't know if you ran across her name when looking for doctors.
Hang in there and keep us posted on your infection.


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2013, 08:05:17 PM »
Sorry to hear about your infection. You didn't need that extra bit of fun did you? Was this infection in the same place they left the metal bracket in and had to go back in to get it or a totally different place?
You have a very positive attitude which is going to help you get through all this.
Hey have you heard of Dr. Pat Ricalde in Tampa -- pekay suggested I might get a consult with her because she worked for some years with Dr. Posnick who is a big name in the orthognathic field. Didn't know if you ran across her name when looking for doctors.
Hang in there and keep us posted on your infection.

The infection is in my bottom gum towards the front of the mouth.  There is a pretty wide hole where one of the sutures came out and it got infected.  It is a different spot from where they left the metal piece.  They are telling me it could be a while for the hole to close up which is disappointing.  Until then they still want me on a clear liquid diet which I feel is not helping my healing any. 

I have never heard of Pat Ricalde, but her work looks good.  It seems unlikely she would be in-network with insurance, but you can always call and find out.  Even if she is out of network, it couldn't hurt to get a consult with her just to see what she thinks overall.  The more opinions you can get the better.


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2013, 06:37:49 PM »
That's great news that you will finally be unwired next week. You are one tough individual for going through what you did for the first few weeks. How much weight did you end up losing from your all liquid diet? And what's the first thing you are going to want to eat when you are unwired?


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Re: 6 days post-op. My experience so far.
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2013, 05:03:29 PM »
That's great news that you will finally be unwired next week. You are one tough individual for going through what you did for the first few weeks. How much weight did you end up losing from your all liquid diet? And what's the first thing you are going to want to eat when you are unwired?

Overall I've lost 10 pounds.  During the first few weeks when I was on only clear-liquids I lost 20lbs, but once I started drinking milk and protein powder/weight gainer I gained back 10 pounds.  It almost seems like another lifetime ago that I was eating solid foods lol. 

I am not sure if I will be able to eat everything right away after getting unwired or if it will be soft foods for a little bit.  When I can finally eat everything again I want to go to Outback and get a nice steak and bloomin onion.  lol.