Disclosure: I'm having insurmountable problems with my old computer which is low on memory. So, I won't be referring to any images on IMGUR.
We are spinning our gears here on what the surgeon could have meant by excess gonial flaring because he didn't explain the 'why' of that to you. All we know here is that he has determined that you are not a good candidate for what you are asking for.
To spin more:
It could be a consequence of having to perform a CCW rotation in order to bring the maxilla forward. What is true is that a CCW-r (when posterior drop is needed) drops posterior aspect of lower jaw down and allows for more BSSO advancement. So, that can give a more 'square' looking gonial angle. That type of thing usually works well for people who want to MINIMIZE maxillary advancement and MAXIMIZE lower jaw advancement. Also helps decrease the mandibular plane angle for those who have a high slope to it. Patients with MPAs on the low side (those with jaw angles that are low set already and those with chin points that would not benefit by some of the uptilt that could be yielded via the advancement don't benefit that much from it.).
It could have to do with something that COULD make the jaw angles flare out more. When they cut the lower jaw, the cut (to split) goes through the back of the jaw angle in order to slide the rest of the mandible forward. So, the splitting process is a separation process where an opening is made between the gonial area to release the rest of the mandible forward. MAYBE the little bone particles from the cut get in between that area and the healing process jump starts more bulk (bone generation) between the cut. I've seen cases relayed on here (this board) where the person conveyed the angles showed wider in frontal. However, I'm not conversant in the medical mechanism of this, nor the extent of the widening as a function of the advancement.
In closing, I don't know your surgeon's explanation for this consequence. However, what I do know about what is TRUE about displacements in maxfax surgery is that it's not a thing where the exact amounts of maxillary and mandibular advancements can be chosen by the patient based on a morph.