Author Topic: IMDO????  (Read 22435 times)


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2017, 02:36:40 AM »
So I had the consult with Dr Coceancig today

Nice guy, very well spoken, informative and good sense of humor. I asked him a bunch of different questions which probably made me look confused about what I want - because i am  ;D

Regarding IMDO, it is performed in adults, but its not commonly done, he said it would not be cost effective for what I wanted to achieve. Anyone here with children/young teens however who are worrying about their facial development, IMDO looks stellar, and it reduces the amount of orthodontic work needed significantly.

Sorry if it wasn't what people were expecting, but I can come away recommending Coceancig as an option for any kind of face surgery, they've got a world class facility down in newcastle, lot of premier digital imaging technology and he takes careful consideration of the desired goal and all options available instead of just rigid diagnosis-treatment manner of many maxfacs.

And yes, they do PEEK implants for those interested. He rubbished silicone.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2017, 07:22:03 PM »
Do you think he'll do surgery on people with decent bite but terrible aesthetics? My mandible is clearly recessed but my bites functional. I don't have sleep apnea and my forward head posture being caused by my jaw is hard to prove. Although lying on my back makes it slightly harder to breathe. And thank you for reporting back. Can't wait to talk to him myself.

my bite is decent and the whole purpose of my talk with him was largely aesthetic related, so yes. He said its very common for jaw surgery to be done for aesthetic concerns.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2017, 07:39:55 PM »
Thanks ppsk. Settles a lot of my anxiety I get about that. :)

Do you live in Australia? If so it would be very worthwhile seeing him.

I'm still not sure If I'm going to go with Coceancig, but only because i might be moving to europe for business reasons. If that wasnt the case I can honestly say id be on the next flight to Newcastle.

Its worth noting if you are Australian you save a LOT on equipment cost through our healthcare system.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2017, 09:23:31 PM »
im also very interested in seeing him for the peek implants (getting bimax done first is probably just a pipe-dream... unless he does it very cheap which i doubt). i have sent a question asking if the jawimplants can be done wraparound style. hopefully i can get it done shortly, as it really is inconvenient traveling internationally to go to eppley or yaremchuk for them done.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2017, 10:13:02 PM »
im also very interested in seeing him for the peek implants (getting bimax done first is probably just a pipe-dream... unless he does it very cheap which i doubt). i have sent a question asking if the jawimplants can be done wraparound style. hopefully i can get it done shortly, as it really is inconvenient traveling internationally to go to eppley or yaremchuk for them done.

Listen something ive learned over the past two years is that "wraparound" is just a marketing term. It still has to be sectioned into 3 pieces to get it into position (chin, jaw angle, jaw angle) no matter what, otherwise they would have to use a wildly different surgical procedure to get it placed.

The implants can be custom designed, so I'm sure you could bring up with him the possibility of having "wings" on the implants to achieve the total jawline effect.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2017, 10:31:01 PM »
you are right. it doesn't need to be wraparound style, as long as these implants can add vertical length to the whole mandible as well as width then it doesn't really matter if they need to be 'modular' in design as opposed to one single piece. i will look into getting a consult with him.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2017, 05:17:01 PM »
i got a reply from them, and they confirmed they are fully customization and can even be placed on the zygomatic arch.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2017, 11:15:15 AM »
Can you please elaborate on what you mean by it's not cost effective for what you want to achieve? Cost isn't an issue for me and I'm quite interested in what he offers. The downside is he's on the other side of the world to me.

Did he suggest what mm movements are possible? I want to significantly widen my mandible.

Did he show any before/after of his PEEK implants to back up his assertion they are superior to silicone?

He didn't elaborate. He had seen a morph of what I wanted to achieve. I'm guessing what I wanted to achieve was more readily and cost effectively achieved by bimax and genio etc.

No before/afters for implants, but then i didnt ask to see any.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2017, 05:49:45 AM »
Thanks. Do you know if IMDO is only for overbites? I don't have an overbite. It will be good to know before I potentially waste money on a paid Skype consult  :P

I dont know.

Its for growing the lower jaw, not the upper jaw, so make of that what you will.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #39 on: February 20, 2017, 11:08:56 AM »
He can distract the upper jaw as well.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #40 on: February 24, 2017, 09:27:03 AM »
What do you mean by adding 6 to 8 mm to each side of the jaw? Is that ramus length or mandible length? Why can the ramus not be lengthened? Thank you.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #41 on: May 11, 2017, 06:38:45 PM »
yeah all these articles who that DO has a slight edge over surgery or is on par with jaw surgery in all respects as these tests were for sensory disturbance and relapse rates. But what is significant here is that DO gives you  a much more controlled growing of new bone and also that it can produce new bone without graphs or foreign materials  and so can lead to stronger results if more bone or advancement is needed. Moreover, all such tests are biased and they may be in the interests of maintaining the status quo. Think about it, DO is a HELL OF A LOT more work for the doctor daily guiding the distraction etc..

Lazlo, did you see coceancig and have IMDO? I have an overbite and a retruded mandible. I had orthographic surgery 25 years ago and my lower jaw relapsed. I have only just learned that my mouth breathing could have triggered the relapse. So am seeing an ENT soon. Why didn't anyone mention this? I am on my orthodontist's Review list. I may see coceancig. Its a chicken and egg thing about the mouth breathing. Do I mouth breathe because my jaws are small, or are they small because I breathe? Do I have a head forward posture because I can't get enough air or does pushing my head forward reduce the size of my jaws over time? I also have very loose joints, or hypermobility. And my short lower jaw is genetic - I can see the shortfall in photos of me aged 2. I think any attempt to change this may fail if my body simply reverts back over time...


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #42 on: May 11, 2017, 11:57:37 PM »
Lazlo, did you see coceancig and have IMDO? I have an overbite and a retruded mandible. I had orthographic surgery 25 years ago and my lower jaw relapsed. I have only just learned that my mouth breathing could have triggered the relapse. So am seeing an ENT soon. Why didn't anyone mention this? I am on my orthodontist's Review list. I may see coceancig. Its a chicken and egg thing about the mouth breathing. Do I mouth breathe because my jaws are small, or are they small because I breathe? Do I have a head forward posture because I can't get enough air or does pushing my head forward reduce the size of my jaws over time? I also have very loose joints, or hypermobility. And my short lower jaw is genetic - I can see the shortfall in photos of me aged 2. I think any attempt to change this may fail if my body simply reverts back over time...

When did you relapse? No Lazlo did not have IMDO.


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Re: IMDO????
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2018, 09:49:55 AM »
Hopefully my post brings this thread back up to the top.  I am just now finding IMDO and I think its a great option but Im 34.  I am post bimax by 10 years and a have had a ton of ENT procedures for sleep .  Still small lower jaw and now a very pronounced maxilla, I dont look good and still sleep apnea(UARS and sleep breathing disorder).  Im another product of a terrible surgeon.  A few things Im confused about were mentioned earlier. 
-This is lower jaw advancing.  My teeth are aligned since Ive had braces 3x broken up over 6 years.  Im thinking since the length comes between 1st and second molar that its an advance and then orthodontics to bring the leaning forward teeth back upright and back to a good bite again.  Thats allot of movement for a what.... 25mm gap? 
-Has anyone found an equal setup in the states?  Ive had many consults done from many backgrounds and no one has mentioned this.  The states equivalent might be neromuscular dentistry but the drawback there is the lack of jaw expansion.  Id like to see a combination of the two.  Neuro using k7 for correct TMJ positioning and IMDO for expansion and later ortho(hesitantly). 
-Also, where did all the pictures on these threads go?  Pictures are pretty vital in this subject.