hi Yyes
from your pics i think you're a handsome fella so as someone else said you're in the position where you could makes things worse. in a way it's a nice problem to have.
i don't know much about cosmetic procedures as i'm just a novice here but i would go the further weight loss route first, as some have suggested, before surgery. at least that can be easily reversed if you're not happy.
is that your girlfriend in one of those pics, how does she feel about your concerns?
just as a general question that this thread raises for me, can substantial weight loss affect other facial areas besides the cheeks? i'm thinking about the lip areas in particular?
The thing about nose asymmetry is that it's much more obvious in pictures than in real life. I have some myself and no one notices it, hell even I don't notice it until I take a photo - then it pops right out
i've noticed exactly the same thing. in the mirror my nose looks pretty straight but in a picture there's a fair amount of assymetry.