Hello there, transplanting from Archwired. I'd like some honest feedback on my results. However please don't PM me asking for personal details or more pictures or whatnot. What I'm comfortable putting up here is up here.
So I'm about 11 months postop and I'm just not happy with my results.
I went with one of the renowned expensive surgeons who is mentioned a lot on boards like these. He seemed sooo confident from day one that he could fix everything and I guess I just lapped it up like a sick puppy dog.
My biggest concerns pre-op were recessed mandible, asymmetry left to right (chin juts out to one side), canted jaw, midlines off center, gummy smile, and an uneven overbite-almost-a-crossbite.
I can't find my sheet with the exact movements but the general idea was maxilla up and forward, mandible rotated up, genio, both jaws supposedly leveled and aligned for the cant and asymmetry.
• Profile / side view looks great. Can't complain.
• Bite is better and teeth are straight but the braces mostly did that.
• No gummy smile, still some tooth show at rest but largely improved.
• It looks like my jaw is still slanted just as much as pre-surgery! Though my surgeon swears he leveled it out. What is the point of having straight teeth when the whole mouth is slanting in the wrong direction.
• My midlines are still off center. Surgeon admits to that and says "I usually get them on straighter than that and I'm not happy with it either." But then backpedals saying because of anesthesia and all the ligaments softening and whatnot that what I have is an acceptable margin of error.
• My chin still juts off to the left. He said this was fixable pre-op but now says there was nothing he could do???
All these are post-op.

My ortho wasn't happy with my outcome but the surgeon talked him down, and then they both talked me out of braces and told me to wait it out. I had a lot of swelling late in the game (~7 months) so it made sense at the time. Now I'm pretty sure there's no swelling left and it doesn't look right.
My surgeon did offer to redo the surgery "if I really wanted" but also said there was no guarantee he could do it any better. Am I crazy for thinking it should have turned out differently? Is this as good as it gets?