ploskoplus - I haven't decided on a surgeon yet. Only seen UK surgeons, but expect to go abroad, and was panicking that like the australian maxfax I spoke to, they would not treat me unless I could use an ortho local to them, which would of course be impractical. On my list are mainly non-uk, European surgeons like Pelo, Zarrinbal etc so no idea what they will say about orthodontist choices. I am going to see Arnett for the value of the opinion and having a very detailed assessment, but couldn't actually afford him unless I sold my house/soul

I suspect he would want to use his own ortho of choice anyway, but who knows.
molestrip - interesting, thanks for giving me the heads up! I never thought the ortho might be the fussy one, but I guess I'll have to try and tackle that hurdle once I find a surgeon.
Langpam - that's reassuring to think whatever surgeon I settle on might be able to point me in the direction of an ortho here. fingers crossed! Just out of interest, which surgeon did you use in Barcelona? I am still researching surgeons so I might have a look at them