You do appear to have maxillary cant, possibly mandibular as well - im seeing some asymmetry there. Dunno about the heaviness, do you mean nasolabial folds? Can be a symptom of a recessed maxilla.
Have you spoken to a maxfac?
i guess it's hard for me to describe.
When I pull up the jowel area, my chin becomes defined. By 'heavy', I guess I mean the whole area from the corners of my lips looks like it's being pulled down by gravity, as if nothing is supporting it. Like an old person with no teeth, maybe? Or a baby?
I feel something is missing in the black 'quadrilateral I have drawn' - and more specifically, maybe in the yellow quadrilateral area I have drawn. I used to wonder about some sort of chin implant (with pre jowel extension) but the yellow area is actually where my teeth area, so i'm not sure whether a chin implant would actually help at all. I feel as though it;s my jaw being too recessed or too small or something.
Yellow dots on bottom picture are where I feel the area looks too concave. Again, I think this is due to my jaw/teeth being too far back
Being as though by simply pulling the skin around my jowel area upwards a little bit improves my face so much, I've been wondering if anything other than a facelift could give the same effect.
(and i've only seen an ortho who suggested braces alone. I just don't tihnk it'll help with anything other than making my teeth straight)
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