Author Topic: Oakland Kaiser and Surgery Doctor Heshaam Fallah  (Read 5974 times)


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Oakland Kaiser and Surgery Doctor Heshaam Fallah
« on: May 11, 2015, 10:21:44 PM »
Hi guys,

   I'm currently in braces and will be having my lower jaw advancement surgery with Heshaam Fallah this upcoming summer. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about Oakland Kaiser and / or Dr. Heshaam Fallah, because I am pretty nervous about having my surgery at Oakland Kaiser due to previous negative posts about the company and it's doctors. I did have my consultation with Dr. Fallah, but it was pretty vague which is causing me to cautious.

   I recently spoke with my orthodontist who keep re-assuring me that the absolute best place to get the surgery would be at Oakland Kaiser after notifying him of their negative reviews. I am open to getting the surgery at UCSF or any other center regardless of the price. I am also worried about if I should get surgery at all and can provide pictures of my facial structure. Thanks for any replies in advance!  :)


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Re: Oakland Kaiser and Surgery Doctor Heshaam Fallah
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2015, 09:05:47 AM »
Hi there.  I had my double jaw surgery done at Kaiser Oakland with their chief surgeon, Felice O'Ryan.  You can read a run down of my Kaiser experience here:,4481.0.html in another post.  There is also a link to my blog there if you want to really get in to the nitty gritty through the whole experience.  I too had an orthodontist who swore up and down to me that I needed to get Kaiser because this was the best place to get this surgery done, and that Dr. O'Ryan was the best surgeon for my case.  I was hesitant to pick up Kaiser because I had heard so many horror stories from friends and co workers.  I actually know two people who have family members who were grossly disabled through a Kaiser mistake and now Kaiser is paying for long term care for the rest of their lives.  Both had to go through a lawsuit to get that though.  But I digress.... please read my experience in the other thread. 

Everybody needs to take in what info they can and make their own decision, but if you are choosing between Kaiser and other surgical outlets, go get opinions from all of them.  See what the care is like at other places.  It's hard to compare it to Kaiser because you can't consult with them unless you are a member, which was my problem to begin with.  I took my orthodontists word and moved forward with Kaiser.  I didn't have anything to compare it to since I've never been in a hospital before and didn't really go on any other consults.  I wish I had, because I didn't know what I didn't know.  After Dr. O'Ryan grossly put my jaws together infinitely worse than what I went in to fix, and after her and Kaiser screwed me over and over again during my post op care period, I started to see 4 or 5 other surgeons for consult to try and get fixed.  It was then that I realized how different the care is.  It's totally night and day compared to my Kaiser experience.  My new team of treating doctors actually care.  I am not just a number to them.  Yes, Kaiser is famous for covering jaw patients without question.  But, you get what you pay for in my opinion.  You're just a number in the factory line; treat em' and street em', and if there is a mistake, good luck getting them to give you the time of day no matter how understanding you are.  Kaiser holds their doctors to a lower standard just due to the pure volume of patients they get through there.  My care was so far below the standard of care, and to them that was OK.  I just see the care and attention to detail I am getting now from my new team, and really kicking myself for not having had that through my first surgery with Kaiser.  If I had, maybe I wouldn't be in the position I am in now with having to have a revision to fix severely twisted, crooked, canted, twisted jaws thanks to the mistakes of Kaiser and Dr. O'Ryan.

For what it's worth, I have not consulted with anybody at UCSF, but I hear that is another good place in the Bay Area for max/fac.  I did consult with Kasey Li, who was not my cup of tea, but supposedly is one of the better surgeons across the country.  I went down and saw Dr. Gunson, who obviously is absolutely fantastic and known as one of the best.  I ended up choosing a local surgeon in Walnut Creek after much thought.  His name is Nestor Karas if you would like to check him out.  So far my care has been amazing with him along with the help of my new orthodontist and prosthodontist.  So far they've made a great team and I appreciate them taking me on as such a difficult case for revision.

Feel free to PM me with any questions.  I wish you the best of luck!


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Re: Oakland Kaiser and Surgery Doctor Heshaam Fallah
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2015, 09:37:15 AM »
Just wanted to add-- If you are already a Kaiser patient, then I suggest going on other consults and just paying out of pocket for them.  I had to do that for all of my revision consults unfortunately.  When it comes to this surgery, a couple hundred bucks is worth the peace of mind to go get some other opinions.  The most detailed and in depth you can get will be from Dr. Gunson for sure.  Kaiser never spent more than 10 mins with me, and that was just two appointments before a MAJOR surgery.  They never gave me measurements, never took an in depth look, never explained the surgical plan with me.  This is a HUGE HUGE HUGE red flag.  Dr. Gunson will do all of that with you over a 3 hour appointment.  He will take his own scans and review everything with you.  He will take a detailed look at your  joints (which Kaiser never does, pre or post op!), and he will draft up a surgical plan and tell you what all of your measurements should be and why he would make those movements.  If you want to stay local, I really suggest seeing my surgeon, Dr. Nestor Karas in Walnut Creek.  He uses a lot of the same technology that Dr. Gunson uses and will also do some work and explain his surgical plan to you in depth.  Regardless of who you see, I highly suggest going on a few other opinions and if your gut is telling you that you do not like the treatment from Kaiser, then leave them.  You have the power.  My orthodontist tried to console me and sooth me when I got a bad feeling and wanted to back out of my surgery with Kaiser because I felt they were too vague for me and I didn't like not having my surgical measurements.  He talked me back in to it, telling me to relax, that he's done a ton of cases with Dr. O'Ryan like this, and this is just how it works.  Biggest mistake ever.  How I wish I could go back to that day and slap myself silly and not let him have that power over me, but it is what it is now.


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Re: Oakland Kaiser and Surgery Doctor Heshaam Fallah
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2015, 06:40:38 PM »
Hi Lyra,

I've been reading your posts / blog prior, which is why I started this particular thread. I'm hearing that Dr.Gunson is the best option when it comes to getting surgery. Did you have a consolutation with Dr.Gunson? If so, how did it go? And if possible, was his quote super pricey? What range were his prices in? Thanks in advance!


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Re: Oakland Kaiser and Surgery Doctor Heshaam Fallah
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2015, 07:12:00 PM »
Dr. Gunson is definitely known as one of the better surgeons across the country!  Even if you don't get your work done with him, he is VERY worth the drive down to consult.  I think the consult will run you $250 if I am not mistaken.  Like I said, 100% worth the money.  Looking back on it, I would have gladly paid double that for what he did for me.  It was huge, and his opinion meant the world to me as the first surgeon to look me over, and do it with such time and attention to detail, and tell me what was so wrong with me from the first surgery with Kaiser.  Depending on what you need done with him, I think it runs around 65-70K if I am not mistaken.  Insurance can sometimes kick in and cover your anesthesia and hospital stay, but everything else is outside of insurance. Pricey, which was one of the factors in me not being able to ultimately get my work done with him, but hands down without question worth the consult at least.


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Re: Oakland Kaiser and Surgery Doctor Heshaam Fallah
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2015, 09:29:09 PM »
I think this girl had her surgery with him but its been a few years

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