Again, I am very new to all this. But I think my bite is fairly normal. If this is the case, Will I still need braces? And if there is no major over or under bite, does that suggest I'd need bimax rather than just something for lower jaw?
I don't have any specific information as to how your present bite is going to factor into a surgery proposal. That's what getting diagnostics is for. What I can tell you is that bites DO factor into surgery proposals and having a good one or one you're already satisfied with doesn't PRECLUDE the need to change it via braces in preparation for a surgery.
I'll repeat (but in a different way), that people who DO have their 'bite right' as in those who have had prior ortho often need to be in braces to UNDO their bite in order to prepare for the surgery. So, if your bite is 'OK', it might need to be made 'not OK' during the time period in braces to prepare for the displacements planned into the surgery.
So, IF your bite is 'normal' or ok NOW, that doesn't rule out needing braces to prepare for the displacements made in surgery. Just like it doesn't rule out people who had ortho prior to get their 'bite right' from needing to be in braces (again) to prepare for surgery. It's just a matter of needing to UNDO what ever bite you have now ONCE.
As to bimax or single jaw surgery, that's a matter of what the DIAGNOSTICS kick up. Sometimes for the lower jaw to be advanced, the upper jaw has to be displaced to accommodate that goal. Also, time in braces is more often than not, a contingency for preparing for surgery.
If you're asking if you are the EXCEPTION to the GENERAL info I gave here and instead, want to know IF you're 'THE ONE' who definitely can get ONLY single jaw surgery AND won't need braces, that's what DIAGNOSTICS are for.