I'm unsure on the advancement part of that plan. CCW-R, yes, that would probably create a good improvement, but I think 5mm of linear maxilla advancement is too much. 3mm max on a female with your profile is my instinct. The thing is, you have a large overjet from what I can see, and that means they can slide the lower forward quite a bit (probably 3 or 4mm right there, but get some definite numbers) before thinking about the upper jaw. You might be able to get away with lower jaw surgery only and then a genio is what I am getting at. Fix the bite's relationship with the lower jaw movement, then maybe advance and rotate the chin CCW. I'm not positive, but I'd explore that. As a female, you don't really want the maxilla touched unless it's 100% necessary for all the reasons you mentioned. Longer philtrum (not really, but it's an illusion), wider nose that men can get away with better, impaction issues (1mm minimum from the bone cut alone), etc. My overall take is to do as little as possible in your case, and to explore the option of lower only.