I've never really liked the way I look.
Always felt fat/undefined in the face even with a low body fat percentage.
I'm 26.
I've think the problem is to do with my teeth/jaw?
I have an overbite. Also a fairly small chin.
I think the problem is that there isn't enough support around the corners of the mouth/jaw, and as
a result, I feel as though the cheek/jowel area looks 'heavy'. Corners of mouth are pointed lightly down.
I actually look 10x better when I pull the skin around my cheekbones upwards. It gives my face some definition, and it gives me a chin!
Apparently I am way too young for a facelift, though, and I also feel it would be a bit like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound and not adressing the underlying issues.
I've seen 2 different orthodontists in the last few weeks.
Both said more or less the same thing which is:
My lower jaw is slightly recessed, but not bad enough to warrant orthagnathic surgery. Most surgeons wouldn't even treat me.
Deep bite and cross bite. Teeth getting worn down slightly.
Braces would fix most of my issues, but he said that he couldn't promise that it would help my appearance issues that I am concerned about.
At least he could see what I meant, though. (which was nice)
He could see that from looking at my face, my upper jaw didn't seem to support the underlying facial tissues which
makes my face look a little chubby/heavy. So the corners of my mouth point down like i'm sad.
He said braces COULD help this issue, although it wouldn't be the sort of thing that he'd be comfortable promising/
I'm not sure what to do.
What do you think?
Do I get braces, and risk having to wear braces as an adult for 3 years to only benefit from my teeth being straighter but nothing else?
Do I begin to look at other things in an attempt to hide the issues?
face lift? (seems crazy at my age!)
Chin(and jowel) implant?
I'd appreciate input, especially from those who can relate!