Author Topic: Small chin - need advice  (Read 7472 times)


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Small chin - need advice
« on: April 27, 2014, 11:57:47 AM »

This is my first post here. I'm 27 and my chin has looked "weird" ever since I can remember. It lacks projection and vertical height as well.  I consulted a plastic surgeon about this and he recommended sliding genioplasty. My question is if its the best method for me to achieve the best result. The doctor said since my jaw is more robust and bony I'm a good candidate for this kind of surgery. I think the problem is that the end of the chin is not rounded enough? I'm not sure why my chin lacks definition. My dentist said my teeth are fine, even though I have a deep bite which doesnt help with my profile at all. I'd say at least +5mm vertical height and +5mm horizontal projection would do wonders.

Here is a picture of my lower third:

Here is an x-ray:

Any advice?


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Re: Small chin - need advice
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2014, 02:06:44 PM »
From the angle and pic you posted I would agree a sliding genioplasty with vertical height increase would improve the harmony of your jawline. I have read that when a genio includes height increase it will maintain the labiomental fold as it is, i.e it ill not be deeper as a result of the movement of the chin, but that is something to bear in mind at consultation, I can't say for certain. Your bottom lip is a little behind the upper also, but your xray seems to show quite normal occlusion of the incisors. There is creasing at the corner of your lip and at the fold (excess skin suggesting needing more bone volume underneath).

What's your bodyfat% at(in terms of showing the jawline)? The genio increasing the length of the mandible body would help this too.

Without the full face in view it's hard to know for sure the degree of movement needed. The other options are implants but I don't know if vertical height can be achieved with them.


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Re: Small chin - need advice
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2014, 02:27:04 PM »
Yeah, I had a molar extracted, you can see that the wisdom tooth got out there a bit. I unfortunately had very closed gap teeth and got a lot of decays in the back on that side... Should've startes using floss earlier.

My body fat % might be a bit high but I'm working on it, my BMI is around 26 though I work out as well, I definately need to lose some weight.

When I push my jaw out it looks like what it should look normally... Fortunately or unfortunately, my teeth are positioned well so maxillofacial surgery is not an option even though it looks like my whole lower jaw could ne brought forward would be the best.

But I agree that its like bone is "missing" there, unfortunately as a guy its probably the most important part to have lot of bones.  :(


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Re: Small chin - need advice
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2014, 09:57:48 PM »
I think people go overboard with the sleep concerns. Sure, there are cases where the airway is obviously compromised, but on this X-ray the airway looks quite robust. If there are no signs or symptoms of sleep apnea, doing a home sleep test would be overkill IMO.


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Re: Small chin - need advice
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2014, 05:22:45 PM »
I just want to say that I think your chin looks great.

Not to discourage you if you're determined to have surgery, just saying.  ;D


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Re: Small chin - need advice
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2014, 11:22:51 AM »
I just wat to say that I think your chin looks great.

Not to discourage you if you're determined to have surgery, just saying.  ;D

Thank you, its probably not as bad if you see it like that, but compared to my rather largish head its out of proportions.

Anyway I have a genioplasty surgery date for July 31th, I'll post results here for anyone who is interested in similar surgery.  :)


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Re: Small chin - need advice
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2014, 12:59:19 PM »

Skeletally, the projection of the chin itself, it's OK - or better!  I'm not sure how good a result you'd get from genioplasty because your chin already has projection and you have a significant sublabial fold already.  If you go for it, then it needs to be more vertical and only slightly horizontal.  You might want to throw in a little lipo as well, if you're genetically predispositioned to carry fat there.  I was (had loads of fat even at a US4) and the results were really good

It is not the chin but the lower jaw that looks recessed to me - but only a little.  Worth undergoing full bimaxsurgery for?   Hmmmmmm...not really IMO but it's your face  Can you open the bite without surgery?  (I think it makes sublabial folds worse)

WRT surgery, the largest movement that's commonly done in BSSO is 10-11mm (and people can get a further 5mm from genio).  The smallest that comes up is around 5mm (below this, there's not that much point doing it)  I'm guessing that if you got bimax, your movements would be on the lower end of that scale, the bottom would move forward about 2-3mm more than the top, and they'd throw in a little CCW


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Re: Small chin - need advice
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2014, 06:44:13 AM »
Would some kind of filling or non-chin related technic improve my Labiomental Crease? I feel like its way too deep as it is. I will ask my surgeon about this definately.


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Re: Small chin - need advice
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2014, 06:51:36 AM »
Skeletally, the projection of the chin itself, it's OK - or better!  I'm not sure how good a result you'd get from genioplasty because your chin already has projection and you have a significant sublabial fold already.  If you go for it, then it needs to be more vertical and only slightly horizontal.  You might want to throw in a little lipo as well, if you're genetically predispositioned to carry fat there.  I was (had loads of fat even at a US4) and the results were really good

It is not the chin but the lower jaw that looks recessed to me - but only a little.  Worth undergoing full bimaxsurgery for?   Hmmmmmm...not really IMO but it's your face  Can you open the bite without surgery?  (I think it makes sublabial folds worse)

WRT surgery, the largest movement that's commonly done in BSSO is 10-11mm (and people can get a further 5mm from genio).  The smallest that comes up is around 5mm (below this, there's not that much point doing it)  I'm guessing that if you got bimax, your movements would be on the lower end of that scale, the bottom would move forward about 2-3mm more than the top, and they'd throw in a little CCW

I think my surgeon recommended genioplasty because my teeth profile/alignment is fine... They said probably during bone growth my teeth "corrected" itself along with the jaw which resulted in a bigger lower jaw angle. Also they said my upper jaw angle is a bit smaller than average, so basically the two angles "work" together in this one (one is bigger, one is smaller than usual).

I dont want much horizontal height, maybe a little, but vertical height would certainly help my profile.


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Re: Small chin - need advice
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2014, 09:34:13 AM »
I did some measurements and I think my problem is mostly the vertical height of the chin/lower third area. I dont know if thats evident based on the x-ray:

I think the top of the head-eye and eye-chin distance should be equal, but mostly its that the eye-chin distance is bigger than the other... 5mm is not much but it still shows making my lower third small and squished vertically.

So what do you think is it possible with genioplasty to add a vertical height of 5-10mm? Or do you need something else for that?

EDIT: Also I found an image of something I'd imagine could help. How much is the vertical/horizontal limit in a typical genioplasty?

« Last Edit: May 09, 2014, 09:50:22 AM by yxcvb »


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Re: Small chin - need advice
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2014, 03:30:18 AM »

any suggestions/advice?