I just saw on your other thread that you're having this done along with SARPE. Very encouraging! Did you approach your ortho about wanting to expand your palate, or did he diagnose you with a small palate and suggest this to you? Just curious.
My ortho noticed that I had a narrow palate from the beginning, but our first priority was straightening my crooked teeth before deciding on a further course of action. I got my braces last year and my teeth have completely straightened out by now - as a matter of fact, my palate actually
expanded quite considerably with braces alone (I guess it's because my bones are still quite malleable at 18/19? Everyone grows differently I guess).
She thinks that I could do well with a regular palate expander because of the way my palate just expanded with braces, but we aren't going to do that because there's still a risk of tipping involved with that option and it wouldn't be worth it at all. We then spoke about surgical options and factored in my overbite (caused by a retrognathic mandible), and then decided that SARPE and the widening of my lower mandible, followed by double jaw surgery, would be the best option for me. I recently got four wisdom teeth removed (lower two were completely impacted, upper two were kind of 'squashed' with no space and were giving me discomfort) and my expansion surgeries will be performed in a little over a months' time. I was completely against surgery at first, but I eventually warmed up to the idea.