This stuff is not so bad. More like Chinese water torture. Drip, drip, drip, and then I snapped last week, because it's been going on for so long. I actually have feeling on my lip everywhere. It just feels stiff and rubberry on the right side. I keep rolling the right side of my lip over my teeth, which triggers this semi-burning stiff numb feeling. This stiff burning feeling resonates into my teeth a lot and even into the tip of my nose and roof of my mouth a bit. The roof of my mouth also has a funny feeling - like I burned it the day before... a bit dry. The stiffness seems to be abating.... slowly. It's just annoying me.
Perhaps because I had only single jaw surgery and the recovery was so easy, I just have this normality elsewhere which makes this really frustrating. If only surgeons set lower expectations - LF1 nerve problems are hardly ever mentioned.
Ferraro's max fac text book says it takes 12-18 months for things to return back to normal post-LF1. Incidentally, I suddenly started having electric sparks in the left corner of my lip again - and that's my good side!