you have two narrow dental arches, bimaxillary protrusion and a recessed mandible.
you can either:
- yank out 4 premolars with decompensation orthodontics followed by bimax surgery (will take at least 15 - 18 months pre surgery ortho to close the extraction gaps)
- expand both arches surgically followed by decomp ortho (takes longer, more risk, more surgery, most expensive)
- do nothing at all
- have 4 premolars pulled followed by compensation orthodontics (imo worst option since it will shrink dental arches, shrink mouth, leave s**tty profile, expensive)
you could combine options 3 and 4 with a camouflage genioplasty.
best compromise for time and effort is option 1 although people will murder me for advising to pull teeth. option 2 is risky because lower jaw expansion is a difficult and risky surgery.