Author Topic: BLOWING NOSE AFTER JAW SURGERY?  (Read 6231 times)


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« on: July 30, 2016, 12:54:02 PM »
yo so most of this stuff doesn't apply to me at all as I can already do it.

Like what's with you should be able blow your nose by Day 24??? Like I've been blowing my nose since day 1????

Are Sinn's post op instructions just f**king careless or does his superior surgical skills (and the type of surgery I got) not require such intensive hesitation.

Like he eve f**king took out the splint after two f**king days!!!???

What gives? Should I be conncered? I remember just asking Arnett and GunSon's nurses about exercise and they were so f**king specific saying stuff like at the three month mark you can do light yogic stretching but NO inversion poses.

And I know they keep splints and braces and stuff longer on than anyone else. From what I recall it had to do with their huge advances and problems of relapse. BUT f**k, my dad is like getting on my back for being so lazy and not walking around enough (I've been walking around a TON) and I'm like yeah asshole I just had my upper and lower jaws fractured and reset a couple days ago and am on Monster battery of medications do ya think I should rest in med a little post-oP?


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« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2016, 01:03:47 PM »
The instructions are really cautious, especially with arnett gunson.  Gunson would have fainted had he known how much I broke the rules,  but it sounds like my recovery was about as easy as yours.  I cleaned the s**t out of my nose immediately after surgery (not being able to breath was driving me insane).  But I was really careful about it obviously... even though the instructions said specifically not to.  I also brushed my teeth and dozens of other things... carefully of course.


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« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2016, 01:06:48 PM »
The instructions are really cautious, especially with arnett gunson.  Gunson would have fainted had he known how much I broke the rules,  but it sounds like my recovery was about as easy as yours.  I cleaned the s**t out of my nose like crazy immediately after surgery (not being able to breath was driving me insane).  But I was really careful about it obviously... even though the instructions said specifically not to.  I also brushed my teeth and dozens of other things... carefully of course.

okay that makes me feel better. i mean i just walked around a mall today, I could have done anything I wanted. I'm just not "working out" cause I have heard gritting your teeth is proabbly really bad and leads to relapse.

Yo jusken, sorry I know I probably already should know this but now that I'm in the lpost-op club, I kind of understand it all a lot better now. What movements did you have?


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« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2016, 04:01:04 PM »
imho, gunson's after care instructions are err on the side of EXTREME caution. that being said, i think it is good to take the initiative to take the absolute best care of yourself at this time. if not now, then when will you? it certainly can't hurt and im sure he knows what he is talking about and has seen people come back with complications that could have been avoided if the person had been a bit less lazy. its your body and you are they only one that can feel whats going on, but seriously blowing your nose just seems stupid. you just had a rhinoplasty and jaw surgery. maybe sinn is that good but literally every other surgeon that does either of those procedures will tell you NOT to all out blow your nose for at least 4 weeks post op. it can't be total bulls**t.


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« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2016, 08:25:09 PM »
imho, gunson's after care instructions are err on the side of EXTREME caution. that being said, i think it is good to take the initiative to take the absolute best care of yourself at this time. if not now, then when will you? it certainly can't hurt and im sure he knows what he is talking about and has seen people come back with complications that could have been avoided if the person had been a bit less lazy. its your body and you are they only one that can feel whats going on, but seriously blowing your nose just seems stupid. you just had a rhinoplasty and jaw surgery. maybe sinn is that good but literally every other surgeon that does either of those procedures will tell you NOT to all out blow your nose for at least 4 weeks post op. it can't be total bulls**t.

yeah i agree with you Meep but I do have one question to ask you. My nose wasn't stuffed when I woke up at all (he only did a septoplasty, i think that's the more refined bridge and tip i see as well as teh change of angle).

And my nose still isn't stuffed at all. Today a few times it felt stuffed and I just pulled various gunk out (i guess just coagulated blood) and it was no big deal. So I don't really even feel like blowing my nose.

I'm willing to be as careful as possible, I agree it's imp. to take good care of yoruself now in a major way. I just haven't been given a ton of instructions. I mean there's this handout of stuff but it's all the usual. I remember Arnett and Gunson had like a BILLION Things listed. Oh well I can kind of tell that each day and time of day is gonna be filled with different challenges and feelings and stuff.

You know I had immersed myself in so many total horror stories about this surgery and how hard recovery was I was expecting all that and maybe that's why like it's bad, but mentally i expected hell and so I feel okay. but thanks for all the advice and tips guys!


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« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2016, 08:59:56 PM »
if you don't have a stuffy nose, that is great. your body must not be under that much stress. like i said before, i just took care of someone who had surgery with gunson and the first four to six days were rough (he is kind of delicate but still it would have been rough for anyone. 21-22mm advancement). gunson suggested acupuncture for the swelling so he did that day 2, 3 and 4 before he felt good enough to start skipping out on the appts. there was blood in the nose that caused some stuffiness but the acupuncturist told me the congestion comes from the body sending every soldier it has to help heal, these little healers are in mucous. maybe this is common knowledge but anyway my point is that you probably just aren't under that much of a state of emergency if you aren't stuffed up to the point of causing panic sometimes. again, you know your body better than anyone obviously and you should be able to tell what is safe and what isn't. im just saying dont bear down and blow your nose like a train whistle for a while.

ask dr sinn or the nurses questions if you are unsure. for example, my friend was just cleared to brush his teeth in a very particular way. he has a clarsonic he has used forever which is small enough to reach behind his central incisors which apparently feel really gunky. i heard him using it in the bathroom and when he came out i asked him if he was cleared to use it and told him to call the office and ask. he did. they said absolutely not. again, maybe gunson is too overbearing but he is only 2.5 weeks out of surgery and it would be a really big shame to do something that could cause harm at this point in the game when you are through the hardest part.

my friend is healing great by the way. swelling was CRAZY at first but going down quite quickly all of the sudden. he looks great.


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« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2016, 09:28:14 PM »
if you don't have a stuffy nose, that is great. your body must not be under that much stress. like i said before, i just took care of someone who had surgery with gunson and the first four to six days were rough (he is kind of delicate but still it would have been rough for anyone. 21-22mm advancement). gunson suggested acupuncture for the swelling so he did that day 2, 3 and 4 before he felt good enough to start skipping out on the appts. there was blood in the nose that caused some stuffiness but the acupuncturist told me the congestion comes from the body sending every soldier it has to help heal, these little healers are in mucous. maybe this is common knowledge but anyway my point is that you probably just aren't under that much of a state of emergency if you aren't stuffed up to the point of causing panic sometimes. again, you know your body better than anyone obviously and you should be able to tell what is safe and what isn't. im just saying dont bear down and blow your nose like a train whistle for a while.

ask dr sinn or the nurses questions if you are unsure. for example, my friend was just cleared to brush his teeth in a very particular way. he has a clarsonic he has used forever which is small enough to reach behind his central incisors which apparently feel really gunky. i heard him using it in the bathroom and when he came out i asked him if he was cleared to use it and told him to call the office and ask. he did. they said absolutely not. again, maybe gunson is too overbearing but he is only 2.5 weeks out of surgery and it would be a really big shame to do something that could cause harm at this point in the game when you are through the hardest part.

my friend is healing great by the way. swelling was CRAZY at first but going down quite quickly all of the sudden. he looks great.

oh that's cool, wow you're such a sweet friend! Wish your friend the best from me.

Meep you have already had jaw surgery? Sorry, Ive been so self-obsessed leading up to this I seem to have dumped all my short term memory about this from everyone else.

God now I feel freaked out about whether I indeed had jaw surgery or not!!!!! lOLLOLOL

I honestly have not had a single moment of excessive pain or panic. Okay there's something near the left part of my lower chin which if I move a particular way or press on sends shooting pangs of nerve pain that are like a 10 on a scale of 1-10, but I've almost gotten used to them and they don't bother me THAT much even though they're so painful if that makes sense. I wonder if part of this is just that I'm so happy i've finally done this and it's over my mind is not registering as much pain. i mean I would think that just the very breaking of your upper and lower jaws and chin and resetting (whatever the movements) would cause essentially the same "trauma" in everyone. And I guarantee that I'm on mental health drugs I think has made me MUCH MUCH more positive about this experience. I can imagine it being HELL if I were at all depressed or suffering from anxiety.

So your friend's lower jaw was extended in the horizontal direction 21mm? (does that include genioplasty?). Wow I would like DIE to see a before and after pic of that. Would your friend be willing to share? Again, totally understand as I won't lol
so I can't be a hypocrite. But some people actually want opinions on their before and afters.


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« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2016, 09:43:14 PM »
everyone is different and i am certainly not trying to freak you out! and you absolutely had jaw surgery! now you are just being silly lol! honestly i took care of my this same person when he had all four wisdom teeth removed and it was... dramatic to say the least. i knew this was going to be extremely hard for him but he pushed through and is doing/feeling much much better now.

no genioplasty at all. just a 21 or 22mm advancement with ccw rotation of course (not sure how that is measured). dr gunson said is was an extremely difficult surgery because the connective tissue and muscle were all so tight and dense he had to really manhandle it to reach the advancement he had planned for. coming from a guy the size of gunson this was fairly shocking. it almost certainly had something to do with how difficult his recovery was initially. also gunson said he used something called... bhp(?) to pack in the gap from the bsso because the advancement was so large. apparently the stuff causes a lot of extra swelling.

no i haven't have jaw surgery. im going for a consult with gunson late next month.

obviously the choice to share photos is totally up to him and at this point the swelling is pretty noticeable and will def show up in photos. but ill ask him in a month or so what he thinks.


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« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2016, 09:50:17 PM »
everyone is different and i am certainly not trying to freak you out! and you absolutely had jaw surgery! now you are just being silly lol! honestly i took care of my this same person when he had all four wisdom teeth removed and it was... dramatic to say the least. i knew this was going to be extremely hard for him but he pushed through and is doing/feeling much much better now.

no genioplasty at all. just a 21 or 22mm advancement with ccw rotation of course (not sure how that is measured). dr gunson said is was an extremely difficult surgery because the connective tissue and muscle were all so tight and dense he had to really manhandle it to reach the advancement he had planned for. coming from a guy the size of gunson this was fairly shocking. it almost certainly had something to do with how difficult his recovery was initially. also gunson said he used something called... bhp(?) to pack in the gap from the bsso because the advancement was so large. apparently the stuff causes a lot of extra swelling.

no i haven't have jaw surgery. im going for a consult with gunson late next month.

obviously the choice to share photos is totally up to him and at this point the swelling is pretty noticeable and will def show up in photos. but ill ask him in a month or so what he thinks.

oh yeah bmp bone morphogenetic protein --yeah that causes a ton of swelling. That's some total mutant s**t that like helps grow bone and stuff. And yes I remember it caused people to have massive swelling where it was administered.


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« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2016, 05:36:29 PM »
My daughters surgeon also was not good w the post op instructions. The nurse told her she could blow her nose gently, but when we asked her surgeon he said ABSOLUTELY NOT until 6 weeks out. Would've been nice if that and other things had been written down. He did tell her that she should be spraying saline in her nostrils every 15 minutes after the oxygen tent was removed. She did that pretty religiously, and her nose was clear by the third day post op.


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« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2016, 06:45:27 PM »
god it's so weird i even had a septoplasty and at no point was my nose packed in any way so I couldn't just breath clearly through both nostrils.

I don't know how to explain it. though f**k, i'm getting pretty used to surgery now.


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« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2016, 01:22:10 PM »
Gunson is at the extreme end of caution, borderline paranoia. Their customers like that, that's partly why they travel to them for superior results. Some of it is determined by surgical technique too. Gunson uses HA grafts, which take 4mo to ossify (vs 6 weeks for cadaver graft you have). And it seems also by amount of movement, large movements seem to require longer healing times while small ones do not. I'm suspicious of early splint removal and soft diet so early but not so convinced that I'm right to tell you to freak out. I'd probably just be cautious in your position.


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« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2016, 05:43:41 PM »
I'm amazed you don't have a splint after a 3 piece lefort. I had a 2 piece and the splint stayed in for 7 weeks.


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« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2016, 06:23:09 PM »
Yeah that's mildly odd and concerning. How is the bone gonna heal?


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« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2016, 06:28:17 PM »
I'd just add that I had a 3-piece Le Fort and don't have a post-surgical splint at all. Might just vary depending on the surgeon. Mine's pretty experienced.