Has anyone here had HA paste places on the cheeks or jaw angles? If so, how did that work out aesthetically? My own surgical plan includes placement of the paste, and so I'm hoping to get some more information on this.
ha is an irritant. Fwiw, A&G patients often do report very prolonged swelling. It may do something to the cheeks. Probably very little to the jaw angles.
on A&G's website one of the b/as is of a guy with jaw angle augmentation and it looks inflamed, specifically around the jaw angle. That could be from anything really, but it does seem more than coincidental.
I'm guessing that you're referring to "Patient #3" here: http://www.arnettgunson.com/orthognathic-surgery/results/ Is that correct?I do see what looks to me like irritation around the areas of apparent augmentation. I imagine that this is what a jaw angle might look like immediately after injection with Radiesse, actually. That augmentation does not look modest to me - it looks to me like the patient had a lot of material placed. I do wish that there were pictures shown of patients with considerably more conservative augmentation.