Author Topic: Mid-face lengthening?  (Read 2645 times)


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Mid-face lengthening?
« on: November 01, 2016, 01:08:37 PM »
So after browsing all types of forums, analyzing pics etc etc I concluded that the most important thing, the biggest thing, the thing that would more improve my face the most would be lengthening my mid-face. I am the typical high-T low-GH guy(according to Sluthate), so I have a lot of forward growth/projection and very little vertical growth. This is good according to Sluthate people, since it's the opposite of the 'horseface'(long midface, usually narrow head). Now, in my case things aren't so ideal. I have hollow cheaks and my face isn't wide enough to compensate for the shortness. My jaw/chin isn't small, like some of you concluded(I had a thread here with pics). I think that my maxilla is retruded, and my whole mouth area could use a small advancement to achieve slight prognathism, which is still aesthetic.

Now, the problem is: are there any surgeries which give vertical length? I don't fully understand how the bony structure of the face happens. What gives the mid-face its length? I read somewhere about a surgery which makes an incision above the maxilla(between the nose and upper teeth), and moves the whole maxilla down. Wouldn't this surgery practically give some vertical length in the midface? I was contemplating chin wing, genioplasty and such, and I might even need them, but my head already looks like a block so that would make things worse. So, is my presumption about maxilla lengthening right? Will moving the maxilla down lengthen the midface? I know that I will never have a long, slender face, I am realistic, and I would be happy with an inch or two. If you guys know of a surgery which could help me, please don't hold back. And I don't remember the name of the website where they showed this type of surgery where they cut the maxillary bone and move it downwards, but I think it was a legit surgery not some slayer-theory or whatnot. So if you know what surgery am I talking about, or you have something better in my mind for my condition, let me know.

As a final word, I am not trolling. I look like a normal person more or less, considering that normal persons all have imperfections, that's what makes us 'normal' or 'average'. I am looking to improve my looks, just like everybody here. I am just fed up with having a block for a head which is also kinda short.

Thank you so much!


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Re: Mid-face lengthening?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2016, 01:19:47 PM »
Here is my older thread btw

To all the people who took the time to respond, I appreciate it. I let it die slowly because I wasn't sure that my lowface is the problem. My jaw and chin look normal there, although I could use a slightly more robust chin. Anyway I am ready to admit that I was wrong by thinking that my main problem is my lower face. But my jaw might still be involved in this, since like I said before,  the only option might be to bring down the maxilla.

So if you wanna see how I look you can check that thread out. Also check out the distance between my eyes and upper teeth and tell me I don't have a short midface.


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Re: Mid-face lengthening?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2016, 03:55:36 PM »
I realise I posted in the wrong section. Sorry about that, if a mod is reading this, feel free to delete thread