Sorry in advance for the newbie-style question, but what is the etiology of the maxilla failing to grow enough in the back? Mouth breathing? But this view still isn't consensus, right? Because I've seen authors write that the directionality is the opposite - it's the posterior deficient maxilla that causes mouth breathing and not the other way around.
Genetics mostly, I think. It's my understanding as well mouth breathing is caused by the jaws and not the other way around. The breathing pattern corrects itself when the skeletal issue is fixed.
Does this therefore correct some scleral show in a similar manner as a LeFort I?
Yes, better soft tissue support, so the lower eyelid moves up.
OP is a man and it's generally a more attractive/masculinized feature for the midface to be slightly shorter.
Yeah, I figured OP was a man, but it doesn't matter and the figure still applies. I don't really care about "midface length" because I think it's all about balance and harmony.