I am 5 wks post op purely for aesthetic reasons. (I did have 2nd class but my bite was OK). I can tell you, though its totally subjective- at the moment - I hate the results I believe I look worse and on top- I have paralyzed left upper and lowr lip. It can still resolve I hear, I may still "get used" to my new look and as mentioned before - Its all very subjective - but for me - I regret the surgery every second from the moment I wake up.. If you will go and do it, make sure you choose the best surgeon, not the best in your town or even country - really the one who makes tons of surgeries for aesthetic reasons, who cooperates w plastic surgeon whilst preparing who LISTENS to you and finds out what is your subjective idea of beauty, and what you LIKE and dislike about yourself. I think I ended up looking like my surgeon imagined. He is happy and thinks I look beautiful. I hate it and its nothing I imagined or expected. I liked my chin - my doc decided to do genii @ operating table, I liked my face a bit shorter - he lengthen it so now its looong, (to match 1/3rds..) and so on. I have not showed my face to anyone yet Im sick to the stomach, one person from this forum told me (after sending my pics) I look objectively better, my family is not saying much which I see as a bad sign, my closest friends say "you didn't change that much" which also is not "wow you look great or better"..
Having said that, if I could change the time, Id still do it, Id just do 3 things different:
*choose surgeon based on before after photos of patients operated FOR AESTHETIC REASONS ONLY
*change surgeon if he was ignoring my suggestions about movements (I wanted more fwd projection and lest downdraft)
*trust myself more..
** also If I knew about nerve damage option that affects my look (lips are crooked) I don't know if Id do it, hoping this will come back (nerve hasn't been cut) but if not.. than even perfect aesthetic result would still not be worth it. Im a rare case though my doc said he only had 2 patients with such "delicate" whatever to react with paralysis like that.