Author Topic: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration  (Read 2023 times)


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Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
« on: July 14, 2017, 09:53:01 PM »
Good day, dear jaw surgery community.

As a new member, I would like to share knowledge in areas that might be interesting to others, so their not making the same mistakes and / or bad experiences as I do. I apologize very much for this text and my bad English skills. I have full understanding if someone does not want to read this long message.

I think that this topic might be interesting for a few people, since physical beauty is for many a sign of health.

It began with the fact that during my childhood and youth I was mainly fed on cereal and sugary foods. I have not paid attention to myself. The consequences / deformations were rapid, such as crooked teeth & nose, caries, teeth pulling, overbite, an asymmetrical, narrow and long face shape and amalgam fillings. It was anything but attractive or beautiful, but at that time it did not bother me.

Some years later, women became interesting and I realized that with this look, it was very hard to get to know the other sex. So I decided to take better care of myself. This included a fixed brace, surgeries, several visits to the orthodontist and various doctors, dietary changes, sports activities, change of clothes style, avoiding pornographic material, drug consumption and much more.

In the adult age I was told by my orthodontist that my narrow jaw and overbite must be corrected surgically. There is no other possibility, since the bones are solid. In the hospital I got a device to the palate (rapid maxillary expansion appliance). This had to be turned every day so that the jaw could be broadened bit by bit. After about a year I had to go to the hospital again to correct my overbite.

Very often, I hear from other people that genetics plays an important role. Whether it is hair loss, crooked teeth, an unattractive face or other "diseases". I am not a doctor, but because of my own experiences, friends, relatives and acquaintances, I believe that we can influence our genetics with the right diet and physical exercise either positively, or negatively.

I came to this realization when I discovered the works of a man named Weston Andrew Valleau Price.
When I understood everything correctly, he was a dentist and nutritionist who was looking for factors that required good health and was lacking in the modern world - he found them mainly in food.

Especially in the food of different peoples living in solitude from modern civilization, he found that these had little to no decay / caries and also no degeneration of the body. He also noted that a "deformed body" can be created by a mainly sugary and cereal diet (especially in growth).

People who, on the other hand, have fed a healthy diet from birth, rarely had to deal with the problems mentioned above. A healthy and balanced diet has been defined as: animal intestines, healthy fats (coconut oil, red palm oil, ghee), raw milk (cheese), bone broth, cod liver oil, algae (spirulina, chlorella), various fish and much more.
In addition, this should be avoided:

- fluoridated water & toothpaste
- artificial sweeteners
- Dental filling consisting of amalgam
- Caffeine
- Phytic acid
- Gluten
- Oxalates
- Lectins
- genetically modified food
- Soy
- refined sugar
- wheat and grains

If I am allowed, I would like to share some links with you, which have helped me personally. Of course only if someone of you is interested in it.


10 Antinutrients to Get Out of Your Diet … and Life:

Weston A. Price Foundation:

Ancient Cultures, Vitamins A, D, and E, Tooth Decay and Bone Development:

Fluoride: Worse than We Thought:

Fluoridation: The Fraud of the Century:

Principles of Healthy Diets:

Differences Between the Weston A. Price Foundation Diet and the Paleo Diet:

To Gluten or Not to Gluten ?:

Soy Alert !:

Guide to Superfoods:

Also, I can recommend Ramiel Nagel.
He has published an eBook on how to cure or reverse tooth decay. Inspired by Weston A. Price, in my opinion at least.
His website is:

For example:

With this contribution I would like to inquire whether you see it as much as I do, or have a completely different opinion on the subject. I would be very happy about helpful, interesting and informative answers.

To the end of this message I would like to mention the following: I do *not* see myself as knowledgeable, intelligent, skilled or clever - quite the opposite. I am neither a doctor, nor have I studied at a university for several years. Please take everything I write with a grain of salt, as this is based on pure experience on my part.

I wish you, your family and friends all the best, much health and happiness. God bless.
