listen dude, for you I think you NEED arnett to do your surgery, but ask for a genio as well. Reason I'm even advocating this is I recall on one of the forums, maybe it was jawsurgeryblogs or some other that there was a girl from sweden who got her surgery done with arnett/gunson and the swedish govt. paid for it since you guys have such good socialized healthcare.
DUDE, inquire, plead, force your govt to pay for your surgery. Your results are (don't feel bad, it can be fixed) the worse I've seen ever. But again, it can all be fixed, you're a handsome guy, great bone structure, you're really young, you'll look like a model once you get this s**t corrected and more imp. you might be able to have it all done for free. Now I'm not exactly sure whether the chick was from Norway or Sweden --but whatever potatoe potahtoe, contact your embassy, head of whatever govt. healthcare agency, make a MASSIVE case that your surgeon f**ked up and the only people you'll trust are in California --I think it will work and you'll end up with great results!