Author Topic: Do I need Jaw Surgery PLEASE HELP !!!  (Read 1671 times)


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Do I need Jaw Surgery PLEASE HELP !!!
« on: June 18, 2018, 07:38:50 PM »
Okay so I know my jaws are recessed. My nan has a similar maxilla and mandible as me. She has suffered from sleep apnea for a while (shes 72) I don't want that to happen to me. Idk If I have sleep apnea (probs because my neck is thin and I have low body fat I don't have it at the moment), but I don't want it in the future.

My issues
- Mild crowding
- Edge to edge bite (Mild class 3)
- bad side profile
- Wear on front teeth due to edge to edge bite (this also causes stabbing pains in my teeth which hurt soo bad)
- slight narrow palate (but a pretty normal width tbh)

I live in the UK, do you think I look like a candidate for free NHS jaw surgery? Or do you think I have body dysmorphic disorder with health anxiety. Basically is it as bad as what I think it is?

My side profile has caused me great distress since around 12 and I have pics of me when I was like 12 taking pics of my face sideways on, so clearly this has been an issue for me for a while.

Here Is a link to the pictures

Thanks, also i have made an appointment with my dentist in two days, what should I say to get referred to a NHS surgeon ? Also what surgery would yield the result in the morphed picture ?



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Re: Do I need Jaw Surgery PLEASE HELP !!!
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2018, 10:51:03 PM »
I can't speak to the morph but can give my two cents on the sleep apnea...

Being young and thin does NOT preclude you from having sleep apnea, especially if you have retrognathia - which, it looks like you might (Source: am young, normal BMI, with a smaller-than-average neck size; had severe OSA and double-jaw surgery + genioglossus advancement to resolve it).

Tell your doctor that you're concerned about sleep apnea and ask for a sleep study. If you do have OSA, and it's severe and/or you are unable to treat it using more conservative measures, then you may be able to get surgery covered for medical reasons. YMMV as I'm in the US and not sure how NHS coverage works. I would imagine, however, that you would also need braces before and after which (in the US) are NOT covered, even if the surgery is.


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Re: Do I need Jaw Surgery PLEASE HELP !!!
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2018, 12:05:08 AM »
You're likely to need surgery just for the bite if you wish to keep your teeth. Your profile is mildly retrognathnic.


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Re: Do I need Jaw Surgery PLEASE HELP !!!
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2018, 08:21:59 AM »
Hi you do look like you have problems with your bite. I don't know If the NHS would treat your problems as they don't look to severe but ask your dentist to refer you to an NHS orthodontist or an NHS maxillofaical surgeon and take it from there. I've just been rejected from the NHS as my problems weren't seen as severe enough but to me they look bad. I will be having a consultation privately and will see what they say. I've also asked to be referred to another NHS surgeon for a second opinion. I have posted more information and pics here.
Do you think my problems look like they can be fixed with jaw surgery?


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Re: Do I need Jaw Surgery PLEASE HELP !!!
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2018, 09:35:53 AM »
It's odd that your lower jaw is recessed but your bite is teeth to teeth. They can't bring your lower jaw more forward as it would cause an underbite. In my opinion, a double jaw surgery where both jaws are advanced + genio could be an idea.

I would consult with a surgeon first.


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Re: Do I need Jaw Surgery PLEASE HELP !!!
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2018, 11:00:55 AM »
It's odd that your lower jaw is recessed but your bite is teeth to teeth. They can't bring your lower jaw more forward as it would cause an underbite. In my opinion, a double jaw surgery where both jaws are advanced + genio could be an idea.

I would consult with a surgeon first.

They could bring it forward by extracting teeth but I'd avoid extracting any teeth outside of your wisdoms. Definitely get several opinions.


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Re: Do I need Jaw Surgery PLEASE HELP !!!
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2018, 03:29:38 PM »
Unless you have sleep apnea, and your teeth can't be fixed with orthodontics, then just do a chin implant or sliding genioplasty. your recession does look very mild to me, easily correctable in the realm of PS/chin surgery.