Let me tell first that the surgeons that did the work done their ontmost best. Because of previous surgeries, the difficulty was much higher. I had PEEK wrap around implants 3 weeks ago (including jaw angles). The thing that bothers me is that the chin area looks too short. It's all nicely shaped around the chin, I don't think it looks unnatural, but there seems to be lack of vertical height, making the lower third (a bit) too compact. There's still swelling of course, but even then, swelling or no swelling, the chin area has a certain length. The shortness may be partially due to the fact the jaw angles were lowered, but there was also shaving off of the sides of the chin (underneath of it), because after a botched cw, the face was too long. If it stays like this and the chin area is indeed too short, what can be done? Is changing PEEK chin/size easy or difficult, and should it be done quickly in order to prevent ingrowth of tissue or should I wait 2-3 months like with silicone implants?