In case anyone's interested, I did indeed have a crossbite after the surgery. I know it sounds crazy but you start to second guess yourself when nobody is telling you the truth. My surgeon told me there is no transverse deficiency there, and my ortho was very indirect/ cryptic, so I really didn't know for sure, especially with regards to how much ortho could improve the bite. Even a second orthodontist I consulted told me to wait 6 months to let things settle. No hard, clear answers.
Now recently, according to my orthodontist, finally he just came out with it and said I was in a crossbite on the left side after surgery but now (at 5 months) with elastics, I'm more edge-to-edge. I think my right side is ok; maybe not perfect but its certainly not a crossbite and teeth are meshing nicely on that side. The upper arch is certainly wider than the lower on that side.
Still unsure what to do about the left side that's now edge to edge. Is it even healthy to forcibly tilt the teeth outward into proper position? Could this cause gum recession down the road? Relapse? If the orthodontics doesn't improve things further, am I going to grind my teeth down eventually? I was already a grinder before. Having my teeth mesh adequately has alleviated that somewhat but it's probably still / will be an issue.
I type out this whole post but the truth is, I already know the answer. The techs who adjust my wires always ask when my surgeon consult so I can get a second opinion on the bite. They already know things won't be fixed perfectly with orthdontics.
I guess I still don't know what to do. Is it worth going through another surgery to move one side of my jaw outward 2 mm? The fact that I still have to worry about my crossbite after all this just seems really stupid, to be quite f**king honest.
On top of that, I've been informed by another post here that my surgeon is retiring (no longer accepting new patients).