By looking at your x-ray, your airways are not small. I don't see any measurements so can't know for sure, but by visual inspection they look like what I got after having surgery. But also, OSA can not be diagnosed by looking at airways, only sleep study can.
The pictures of your bite are hard to evaluate, in one it looks like you have more overjet than in another. But basically your bite seems ok or at least in the region of what orthodontics can handle if there's a concern. You mention extractions, did they extract teeth in your previous orthodontic treatment?
I think a good surgeon may be able to address your concerns, but you should make sure the plan corresponds to your complaints. I would discuss with a surgeon who can do a vertical chin reduction, as you complain about a lot of down growth and I think advancing the jaws will only make this more prominent. Maybe you could get away with a well performed genioplasty. I think a bimax advancement can be successful as well, but it's a big procedure and long process.