Paranasal hollowness can be fixed with CW rotation. CCW might actually make it worse. I don't think you need CCW at all. Your jaw is already projecting, face is on the shorter side, etc. Agree you need some proclination. I'm not sure this is a surgery case. Everything looks pretty good other than tooth position.
What is the goal of surgery?
If you go the surgery route, your maxilla should be addressed, likely by shortening the right side since that would be more stable. Then bring the entire thing down. Maybe that's what surgeon 3 was getting at. I don't like any of those plans because they aren't clear of (a) the problem and (b) how they're addressing the problem. I don't see a clear problem other than the paranasal looks slightly recessed and the maxilla is canted, and that might not even be a problem for you, and it's also possible ortho can address it to some degree. So, I'd go through the ortho treatment and then reassess.
If I were to do a surgery on you, I'd level the maxilla and then do a very very slight CW rotation. This would address the only two problems I see (paranasal and the cant).