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Functional Surgery Questions / Re: SARPE while MMA for better breathing
« Last post by kavan on Today at 03:05:40 PM »
I can't answer your question the way you've asked it or with reference to your understanding of things. However, if it helps, I'll go over my understanding as it relates to putting in an expansion device soon before double jaw surgery.

MMA=Maxilla Mandible advancement= DOUBLE JAW surgery

MARPE= mini screw assisted rapid palatal expansion
SARPE= surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion

You use the terms MARPE and SARPE interchangeably. I don't know the fine point difference between them. What they have in common assisted rapid expansion of the palate.

From what you say, you are going to get a device installed before the surgery to ASSIST RAPID EXPANSION OF THE PALATE. Like, it's not as if the surgeon is going to cut your palate in half and separate it during the surgery. Whether, it's a MARPE or SARPE device, it's something he's going to put in BEFORE the surgery to expand the palate later down the line. The device has a turn key that you turn at home over a period of time for the palate expansion. So right before the surgery, they can make some kind of incision to the palate that will allow expansion later down the line (at home).

Perhaps it might help to know that the ROOF of the hard palate (part of the maxilla) is also the FLOOR of the nose.The floor of the nasal cavity is the hard palate, which separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity. So, your maxillary advancement aspect of the MMA (DJS) is advancing forward your HARD PALATE and with that is the floor of the nasal cavity. So, with the maxillary advancement, the base of the nose along with it will also be advanced. But there will be no width to width expansion of palate and hence no width to width expansion of the nasal cavity. That comes later via the expansion DEVICE put in which will allow you to turn a key to it for palate expansion after the main surgery.

If in addition to the double jaw surgery (lefort, BSSO and all advancements and rotations involved in it), you also need expansion of the hard PALATE, YES, a device can be put in there soon before surgery where you can turn the key attached to it on a daily basis for EXPANSION of the palate at home.

EXPANSION of the PALATE CAN IMPROVE NASAL BREATHING. But to expand safely and not compromise the blood supply by acutally splitting the palate in half and separating it that way, they put in an expander DEVICE which is what you are getting.

Again, the PART of the maxilla being moved is the HARD PALATE which is addition to being the ROOF of the MOUTH is the FLOOR of the nasal cavity. The main surgical procedure is the DJS (or MMA). So, the base of your nose will be ADVANCED with this. The PRE-SURGICAL installation of the rapid expansion device is for the AT HOME part to make your hard palate WIDER via turning the key to it on a gradual basis. Since the hard palate is the floor of nasal cavity, then you will have more room for breathing.

So, NO, you don't have to wait 2 years to get your palate expansion afterwards. You can get the device put in before your surgery as looks to be the plan and basically expand your palate AT HOME after your main surgery.

Functional Surgery Questions / SARPE while MMA for better breathing
« Last post by jawguy14 on May 22, 2024, 08:15:37 AM »
Hello everyone, I have a question regarding SARPE + MMA and can't find an answer to it. You would help me a lot if you answered this question. And sorry for my bad english btw.

I'm planning to have MMA surgery this year with CCW and downgrafting to get my sleep disorder under control. I saw that the surgeon im planning to do the surgery with, sometimes does a SARPE in the same surgery as the MMA. The MARPE would be placed on the palate by an orthodontist a few hours before the surgery.

I think that expanding the nasal cavity in addition to enlarging the upper airway through MMA makes sense because, because on the one hand, I am recessed and have an underdeveloped lower jaw, but I also have a narrow palate and have the typical empty gaps on the left and right when I smile.

So for me it's really about breathing better through the nose, thats why i would do SARPE additionally. But according to my understanding, it is impossible to expand the nasal cavity if an MMA surgery was performed at the same time.

Because in MMA with downgrafting and ccw with lefort 1, the maxilla is completely separated from the skull and then repositioned further down and forward, what creates a gap between the skull and the maxilla, which is why everything is held together with plates. Due to the Lefort cut, only the floor and the very lower part of the nasal cavity is still attached to the maxilla, the larger part of the nasal cavity is now just attached to the skull.

As far as i know, during a normal SARPE without MMA, the surgeon simply cuts the palate down the middle to ensure the split, and also makes a few Lefort 1-like incisions to weaken the overlying bone area to facilitate expansion later. Then the Marpe application is turned up little by little in the weeks after the surgery, which expands the palate.

The difference between these lefort 1 cuts in a normal SARPE in comparison to a SARPE with MMA is, that the maxilla is still connected with the skull, because the maxilla isnt repositioned further down and forward, so there is no gap through an mma-advancement. So in a normal SARPE the expansion still impacts the nasalbreathing, because the maxilla is still connected to the skull.

So is it right, that the expansion of the palate doesnt improve the nasal breathing in the scenario with SARPE+MMA at all? Because then, the expansion would only affect the maxilla and not the nasal cavity due to the gap. I would then just do the MMA and see, if my sleep problems get solved through just increasing the upper airway. If its not enough, i would wait, until the bone heals completely and then after maybe 2 years expand my palate with mse+ease or something like that. What do you think of that?

Thank you in advance.
Aesthetics / Re: Would chin implant fix my issue
« Last post by mindwitch on May 22, 2024, 07:09:02 AM »
I'm not seeing the issue. You look good.

No I do not. I have marionette lines around my mouth. Do you think I have enough bone left in chin for chin wing osetomy?
Does anyone know a Toronto maxillofacial surgeon that does revisions? I've been denied by several that won't even see me because I had past jaw work done.
Aesthetics / Re: Would chin implant fix my issue
« Last post by GJ on May 20, 2024, 07:22:10 AM »
I'm not seeing the issue. You look good.
Aesthetics / Re: Would chin implant fix my issue
« Last post by mindwitch on May 19, 2024, 12:07:34 PM »
My chin was reduced drastically and now have marionette lines. I honestly don't know what to do. Chin implant? What kind? I'm scared increasing my chin will make me look masculine.
Aesthetics / Re: Would chin implant fix my issue
« Last post by mindwitch on May 19, 2024, 11:32:33 AM »
More CT photos
Aesthetics / Would chin implant fix my issue
« Last post by mindwitch on May 18, 2024, 11:51:49 PM »
Saggy jowls /marionette lines after my jaw was reduced with t-osetomy/vline surgery here is my CT scan. Is chin implant my only option for correcting this?
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