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Aesthetics / Re: bimax with or without implant?
« Last post by GJ on Today at 12:43:07 PM »
I really appreciate your reply. I think I will go with Ramieri then for the implant, this is what I was learning towards. No, nobody mentioned to me about curve of spee.

Good luck.

Note: don't blame me if it doesn't go as planned. It's just the risk I'd personally take, knowing it probably does increase infection probabilities, etc. My view is cutting twice, anesthesia twice, and creating more scar tissue also has risks.

I don't know these surgeons reputations, either. I'd probably go with the better surgeon for my primary surgery if one of the two has a much better reputation.
Aesthetics / Re: bimax with or without implant?
« Last post by Sequelae on Today at 08:38:10 AM »
I really appreciate your reply. I think I will go with Ramieri then for the implant, this is what I was learning towards. No, nobody mentioned to me about curve of spee.
Aesthetics / Re: bimax with or without implant?
« Last post by GJ on Today at 08:28:45 AM »
I think that's probably true that an implant at the same time would increase infection risk (extra openings), but I would think with proper post-care routine it can be minimized. You'd have to keep it clean in there, which can be difficult after surgery, so a lot would be on you to do that. I'd personally take the risk and do both at the same time and have the mindset I'd keep it clean at all costs. They give heavy duty RX mouthwash etc to help with this as well, and if they don't, you should ask for it and anything else that can help keep it clean.

Your curve of spee on the left side seems drastically different than the right. This is probably your body compromising for different ramus sizes/asymmetry. It should probably be addressed via ortho prior to surgery? Has anyone recommended that?
Aesthetics / Re: bimax with or without implant?
« Last post by Sequelae on March 29, 2025, 11:42:45 AM »
Does it work now? If not I will try another method, I would be very grateful for any help
Aesthetics / Re: bimax with or without implant?
« Last post by GJ on March 28, 2025, 06:29:10 AM »
error: "Imgur is temporarily over capacity. Please try again later."
Aesthetics / bimax with or without implant?
« Last post by Sequelae on March 25, 2025, 07:08:49 AM »
My main concern is asymmetry. I have posted here before, I've now consulted with two surgeons, Dr. Ramieri and Dr. Pagnoni. Ramieri suggested an implant alongside jaw surgery. While Pagnoni suggested just jaw surgery. He said that an implant at the same time as jaw surgery often doesn't work very well and comes with a higher infection risk. Ramieri has a technique involving an implant acting as a plate, which he calls Implate. I'm not sure to what degree this technique can offset the potential issues with a simultaneous osteotomy and implant.

Which approach do you think is best for me? Unfortunately, if I forgo the implant at this stage, I don't think that I would be able to afford to have an implant later down the line as having an implant and jaw surgery at the same time surgery is obviously cheaper. I'd really appreciate any advice.
Aesthetics / Re: BSSO or Bimax? Surgery Soon
« Last post by kavan on March 18, 2025, 08:33:42 AM »

Ah very interesting, I hadn’t really considered how a larger nose could in all likelihood look proportionate with a larger lower third (or, at least, camouflage it). I’ll try not to hold out too much hope for my subpar nose, but I will certainly keep all this in mind for some sense of comfort over the coming weeks. Thank you again!
Aesthetics / Re: BSSO or Bimax? Surgery Soon
« Last post by emanresu on March 17, 2025, 07:40:48 PM »
As to the nose, I'm glad you took no umbrage with my 'straight talk'. Anyway, even if a CALIPER measure was little wider to the nostril area, you would be looking at it via relative visual comparison of a better lower face frame. So, by relative comparison, you might not see much of an unfavorable change in the mirror. That is to say, your nose change might not dominate your frontal facial VISAGE post bi-max and chin advancements as much as it does now. But still a 'wait and see' and there is wait time as to when you want to 'fix' it.

Ah very interesting, I hadn’t really considered how a larger nose could in all likelihood look proportionate with a larger lower third (or, at least, camouflage it). I’ll try not to hold out too much hope for my subpar nose, but I will certainly keep all this in mind for some sense of comfort over the coming weeks. Thank you again!
Aesthetics / Re: BSSO or Bimax? Surgery Soon
« Last post by kavan on March 16, 2025, 08:19:08 PM »
Hey kavan! Thank you for putting it so plainly. (Also that’s regrettable about the brain confections…)

This is a very interesting insight I hadn’t heard before. The common belief often touted is “maxilla moving forward = nose widening and upturning”. But understanding how the direction of movement does (or does not) cause change is appreciated, thank you.

The surgeon confirmed in our initial consult that he does indeed use an alar cinch. He mentioned that it doesn't prevent all widening, so my concern was regarding widening my already wide nose. On that note...

I think these are tough words that I needed to hear. I realize my nose is also an issue, but my thinking was that opting for a slightly less optimal jaw surgery plan might prevent it from getting even worse. If it did worsen, it could push the issue over the edge, making rhinoplasty feel unavoidable, while right now, my nose might not be “bad enough” to justify surgery and could still be lived with (although, from what I'm gathering, it seems like my current nose may be even worse than I initially thought).

It seems like not going all the way with this jaw surgery is a lost opportunity, and perhaps I should figure out a way to make this rhinoplasty happen. (Maybe I'll start with an alarplasty, a minor procedure that's cheap and done under local anesthesia, while I save up for a rhino if the alaraplasty improvements prove insufficient.)

I spoke with the surgeon today, and it seems like he's hesitant to do the original CCW w/ posterior downgraft plan unfortunately. He did mention there'd be some CCW rotation with the lower jaw too though.

Yes, sorry for the confusion. The 14mm vs 17mm values were what the doctor had told me originally, but it seems these values changed when it was put into this visualization software. I shouldn’t have assumed the values stayed the same, and should’ve checked the document closer.

Again, this is an issue that arose due to me just assuming things were the same based on the conversation I previously had with the surgeon a few months ago, very sorry about that.

Overall, it seems like my concerns with the surgeon’s proposal are unfounded, so I think I will be proceeding with this 'Triple Jaw' (:D) plan. He mentioned he could also increase the genioplasty from 5mm to 6–7mm, so I’ll probably do that too. Thank you as always kavan, I hope you realize how much of an impact this has had on my decision-making. Much appreciated!

As to the nose, I'm glad you took no umbrage with my 'straight talk'. Anyway, even if a CALIPER measure was little wider to the nostril area, you would be looking at it via relative visual comparison of a better lower face frame. So, by relative comparison, you might not see much of an unfavorable change in the mirror. That is to say, your nose change might not dominate your frontal facial VISAGE post bi-max and chin advancements as much as it does now. But still a 'wait and see' and there is wait time as to when you want to 'fix' it.
Aesthetics / Re: BSSO or Bimax? Surgery Soon
« Last post by emanresu on March 16, 2025, 06:34:52 PM »
Hey kavan! Thank you for putting it so plainly. (Also that’s regrettable about the brain confections…)

For example, doctors who do the CCW via posterior downgraft often want to set the displacement vector of the ANS to pure horizontal line because the unfavorable nose base aesthetics can arise from displacement over a DIAGONAL line.

So, personally, I fail to see the reasoning behind 'risk avoidance' of possible nose sequella when . . . the angle of inclination the 3mm advancement is taking place over is ZERO.

This is a very interesting insight I hadn’t heard before. The common belief often touted is “maxilla moving forward = nose widening and upturning”. But understanding how the direction of movement does (or does not) cause change is appreciated, thank you.

As to the nose base getting a little wider, a good maxfax will do something called an 'alar cinch' to mitigate that.

The surgeon confirmed in our initial consult that he does indeed use an alar cinch. He mentioned that it doesn't prevent all widening, so my concern was regarding widening my already wide nose. On that note...

A decision to KEEP your nose AS IS resolves to a decision to forfeit the extent of the lower jaw advancement you could get in a circumstance where the  lower jaw recession is the GREATER of your aesthetic problem. So, right there, acting on knee jerk RISK AVERSION that your nose base could get a little wider blows your chances of getting a good jaw advancement when the jaw recession is the BIGGER aesthetic problem. So, the nose will REMAIN an aesthetic problem in its own right if you choose to keep as is and also forfeit getting a good lower jaw advancement to do so.

I think these are tough words that I needed to hear. I realize my nose is also an issue, but my thinking was that opting for a slightly less optimal jaw surgery plan might prevent it from getting even worse. If it did worsen, it could push the issue over the edge, making rhinoplasty feel unavoidable, while right now, my nose might not be “bad enough” to justify surgery and could still be lived with (although, from what I'm gathering, it seems like my current nose may be even worse than I initially thought).

It seems like not going all the way with this jaw surgery is a lost opportunity, and perhaps I should figure out a way to make this rhinoplasty happen. (Maybe I'll start with an alarplasty, a minor procedure that's cheap and done under local anesthesia, while I save up for a rhino if the alaraplasty improvements prove insufficient.)


1: The doctor who claims you have 'THREE' jaws (just LOL) doesn't list the PNS on the chart. When CCWA-r via posterior downgraft is in the cards the PNS point (posterior nasal spine) is listed with a downward movement. So, there is no information on that.

I spoke with the surgeon today, and it seems like he's hesitant to do the original CCW w/ posterior downgraft plan unfortunately. He did mention there'd be some CCW rotation with the lower jaw too though.

So, NO IDEA where you come up with a lower jaw advancement of '14mm'.

Yes, sorry for the confusion. The 14mm vs 17mm values were what the doctor had told me originally, but it seems these values changed when it was put into this visualization software. I shouldn’t have assumed the values stayed the same, and should’ve checked the document closer.

So, NO IDEA where you conclude any anterior impaction to remind the surgeon you want 'minimum' because the chart read 0.

Again, this is an issue that arose due to me just assuming things were the same based on the conversation I previously had with the surgeon a few months ago, very sorry about that.

Overall, it seems like my concerns with the surgeon’s proposal are unfounded, so I think I will be proceeding with this 'Triple Jaw' (:D) plan. He mentioned he could also increase the genioplasty from 5mm to 6–7mm, so I’ll probably do that too. Thank you as always kavan, I hope you realize how much of an impact this has had on my decision-making. Much appreciated!
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