Author Topic: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help  (Read 16487 times)


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2014, 03:41:55 PM »

Relax.  Your problems are confined to your bite.  Easily fixable by a good surgeon. 


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2014, 06:53:56 PM »
Why are your teeth breaking?


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2014, 07:07:49 PM »
Your dental problems are pretty severe, but your facial structure isn't that bad.  Just my 2 cents. 
Though, jaw surgery in conjunction with orthodontics may very well be the best way to address your dental problems.

I agree with Alue. If your profile is bad, then mine is horrible.

Sorry if it's my oversite, but why is everyone recommending surgery? If you don't have any functional problems then I would just get your teeth straightened. If you have nasal congestion, sleep apnea, or issues with speaking, swallowing, or chewing then surgery would be a no brainer. Again, sorry if I missed something.

When you get an X-ray, I would be curious to see it. Cheers.


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2014, 07:55:15 PM »
I don't think you can fix a severe open bite like that without surgery.


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2015, 12:23:02 AM »
I agree with Alue. If your profile is bad, then mine is horrible.

Sorry if it's my oversite, but why is everyone recommending surgery? If you don't have any functional problems then I would just get your teeth straightened. If you have nasal congestion, sleep apnea, or issues with speaking, swallowing, or chewing then surgery would be a no brainer. Again, sorry if I missed something.

When you get an X-ray, I would be curious to see it. Cheers.

Inability to socialize is a big functional problem and his main concern. If surgery can fix his teeth plus put an aesthetic exclamation point on his face i say go for it.

Wicked Sick

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #35 on: October 30, 2015, 11:01:24 PM »
Hey everyone!

Long time no post. I have a good and bad news... let me just start with the bad:

- 3 months ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. My appearance bothered me for a while, and sadly I became very self-centered as a result. I believe that (although not everyone deserves to be happy, such as child molesters) everyone deserves to have a beauitful smile. The more I read on this subject, the more pessimist I became. My wife didn't take this pessimism kindly, and I used all the excuses in the book, but not the honest truth. Whenever I tried to talk about the subject she just told me that I have body dysmorphic disorder and there's nothing wrong with me, but in front of the family told everyone that "yeah, he has fu**ed up teeth". She is now divorcing me, and I had to do this diabetic battle by my own, with only support from my mother. I'm just now trying to come out of my shell, literally, I've spent the past 3 months trying to accept the diagnosis and the divorce without leaving the house. As a result the muscles in my leg have atrophied. But now I am willing to get the most frustrating thing over with or die trying, that is getting any necessary surgery done.

The good news: I've spent months on researching this topic and realized that most people who regress after jaw surgery are the ones who do not practice proper tongue posture, and likely are tongue-tied as well. I've been tongue thrusting all my life, and the proper muscles in my cheek weren't used at all - thus the damn, feminime chubby cheeks on the pic I posted despite I was underweight there. I'm willing to get this over with once and for all.

I will need:

- high arched palate fixed (what surgery? or just expanders?)

- tongue tie surgery

- maxillary rotation

- crooked teeth fixed somewhere along the way

- (optional) orbital rim protrusion fixed w implants/surgery (for the dark circles under my eyes that are not caused by sleep deprivation nor allergic rhinitis)

I just wanted to ask you guys what experience do you have with 'insurance covered' surgeons? What's the difference between getting the surgery done under the hands of the previously mentioned vs a surgeon you pay 50k out of pocket?

Although insurance would cover my serious dental/jaw issues, can I still make ask the regular surgeon to "I'd like to have it look like this and that, please" ? or is he just going to put things together 'as is' and no complaints will be accepted? Sadly the prettier teeth, uglier face phenomen is real and I would like to avoid that at all costs. Hell, if I could get my jaw become stronger and wider, and my chin moved forward, then I could live with my ugly, crooked front teeth for the rest of my life, would get whitening and stay original.

Hope all of you are doing fine!

« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 11:18:55 PM by Wicked Sick »


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #36 on: October 31, 2015, 10:25:24 AM »
Wicked Sick ?  Central Europe ? that means mostly Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary -  which one :) ?

yes for sure you have to correct you teeth
when it comes to surgery please make a wise decision. Since you are prone to have anxiety you have to know that you risk a permanent nerve damage in some procedures. The teeth can be always corrected, but once a nerve is too much damaged it never can be repaired fully..NEVER
So keep that in mind and do something with your teeth. for me the severity of the problem is 6/10  I've seen much worse cases
Try to avoid surgery and just correct them by proper device. Long-term treatment. But i'm not a doctor. Your face seems to be OK.

about your anxiety:
drop neuroleptic (if you still take it). Tardive diskinessia may develop and it does nothing for you anxiety and your libido is gonna be 0

some light drugs like SSRIs (in 50% people it increases anxiety) or hydroxyzine or long acting benzodiazepine you can take - but the last one occasioannly
try to do sports, eat properly , take magnesium (chelate for example)

You might need therapist (cognitive-behavioral the best) You have not only problem with your teeth.  It may be main problem, but not only the one.
 How it could not be repaired much earlier ? I can't understand this.

A doctor who works in public system shouldn't give you conviction he is worse than one who works in private clinic.
However it depends on country where you live. Many times the truth is in the middle.
Some things better do in public clinic, some in private one
You have to choose it yourself by making some appoitments with surgeons. Get some opinions
Noone  is gonna choose it for you. It's your business

But since you are too obsessed and too anxious it will be difficult to you to do that quite fast.
You probably are too scared

I may be wrong, but if so, then correct me :)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2015, 12:12:37 PM by Rico :) »


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2015, 07:13:45 PM »
Hi Everyone,

New poster (jaw surgery is in 14 days). I worked for a medical insurer that operates world wide for 7 years so I can maybe give you some advice about what might be covered. This varies plan to plan, insurer to insurer likewise in public systems there's a lot of variation too so this is just a guide.

In regard to private insurance, orthodontics (the actual braces) usually come from the routine dental benefit on the policy. This means if you have dental coverage the braces could be covered. In regard to surgery, this includes xrays, consultations with the surgeon & the procedure, they usually base coverage on the following: the condition causes pain, interferes with normal function or causes damage. This means that if your bite doesn't close properly & so you can't chew this would interfere with function. Chewing is the first step of your digestive system so it's a bit more of an issue than you might think. Also if your jaw isn't doing it's job it can hurt.

Doctors are normally pretty savvy about what is covered under insurance so they can usually provide any information the insurer needs to confirm that your bite is causing pain or an inability to chew or bite.

They usually will not consider surgery for cosmetic reasons such as appearance affecting your mental health. They also sometimes have exclusions such as TMJ (bruxism). This is not to be confused with the problems you have due to your jaw just growing incorrectly so don't mention it if you do contact your insurance. If you do have insurance locate a copy of your policy terms, you can ask for one you're entitled BEFORE calling them to ask. As boring as small print is to read it is all in there somewhere.

If you do have insurance call to get approval to see a dentist or oral surgeon to discuss jaw pain & problems chewing after you've had a look at the policy to see if there's anything they expressly mention not being covered. You might have to see a dentist out of pocket to get the recommendation for braces / surgery out of your own pocket to start the whole process off.

Once you've been assessed & have a course of treatment your insurer will then be able to tell you what they will cover so you'll know before you start what you might have to pay for treatment. If you're not insured currently & don't plan to have this looked at for a year or two due to not wanting to be off work you might consider getting a plan now, this means in 2 years when you do start to have treatment they won't necessarily spot it as something which was pre existing to your policy. If you've never seen a doctor for this there's no record to show that its been a problem for so long, you can just say its been a problem for a year at which point you've been insured for 2 so it won't necessarily be picked up. In a way its like a saving scheme for your surgery.

In regard to public systems, the country in which you're normally resident ie pay tax will be the country where you might possibly be eligible under the public system for treatment.

Here in the UK, braces are free on the NHS if you're above a certain grade (gap size). If you're in europe the public system tends to be a bit more favourable in terms of cover but can have a wait. If you are eligible to any free care you might need to be insistent to get the referral to see an orthodontist. This means being very clear with your dentist that your bite & jaw problems are causing severe problems in your daily life from the chewing on to mental health issues, they have a duty of care to refer you if you need treatment. Sometimes as resources are stretched they don't offer it if you seem ok with the way you are.

My braces are on the public system but I was referred by a private surgeon after having my wisdom teeth out. I don't think my NHS dentist would have referred me without a bit of prodding. Usually oral surgeons work in both public & private systems, they need to be a qualified dentist AND surgeon so they train for a very very long time more than other specialities so don't worry, there aren't a lot of bad ones as they literally train to be a doctor AND a dentist.

I've recently been laid off so I had the same concerns about time out of work. My surgeon says it's 3-4 weeks not working, 1-2 weeks of that you will need some help at home. You need to weigh up any time you might have off for surgery with time you might need off because of your mental health. Also braces take 1-2 years so getting started now still means you'll have a long time before you're not working.

If it's bothering you I would suggest getting assessed & making a plan from there. There's a lot of stuff on the internet so it can be confusing a visit to a public & private dentist will give you all the information you need in terms of what treatment you need to have, what you're eligible for under the public system, the costs & potential waiting times. It'll put your mind to rest, it's a slow process but getting on the way might well lift a lot of stress.

I'm not sure if you're based in Germany from your previous posts but expat blogs are great for info on public health options. If you are paying tax there you definitely have entitlements.

Sorry for the long post, I talk a lot, I type a lot


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #38 on: November 08, 2015, 03:50:54 PM »
Thanks for the replies! I'm from Hungary. Probably the only country that doesn't have any qualified practitioner(s) specializing in this new-age orthotropics.

I can't decide whether I need to have my tongue tie surgically cut first, or get the jaw surgery over with first, then do tongue tie cut. OR do braces first, then tongue tie, then jaw surgery.... you get what I'm trying to say here.  :D Lots of combinations.

My plan is to seek Dr. Mike Mew in the UK for pre- and post orthotropic treatment. Although I could get the jaw surgery covered in Hungary (which I really, really don't want to as in my understanding I would need at least Germany or UK surgeons for quality results), but the UK practitioner and flight to the UK would cost me quite much. I'm lucky that my cousin lives in London and he could take me in for a few months.

I would have never thought that my days would consists of looking in the mirror and saying "that negative canthal tilt is mostly caused by your maxilla being under developed thanks to the tongue tie that actually restricted your tongue resting on your palate, which made you become a mouth breather and your face ended up elongated and ugly as a result. And those dark circles are not sleep related, and not allergy related, but underveloped maxilla and weak jaw muscles related. Those big chubby cheeks that stayed with me even when I was underweight, and that 5 layers of wrinkles under eye when I smile are because of s**tty maxilla, and bad tongue posture resulting in weak jaw muscles - hence the baby fat face. You are an ugly freak and surgery will be an answer to all your suffering."



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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #39 on: November 11, 2015, 11:19:16 AM »
Hi WickedSick, sounds like you have a plan. Have you seen any surgeons yet for their recommendations? They may be able to help you decide what order to do things in.


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #40 on: November 12, 2015, 09:00:35 AM »
3. Pretty f**ked up/10

My exact impression lol! SARPE and then 3-piece! He's like straight out of a textbook. Get a sleep study, I bet you have OSA already but probably they'll advance you the max anyway just to get things to fit. How are your joints? Mid-30s mine are actually ok it seems but patients like us are high risk, the only thing you have going for you is your sex. Even the lower arch looks crowded, he might need extractions even. As to aesthetics, don't worry about it you're going to look great. Your philtrum looks like mine and I skimmed every paper known to man and did the calculations and determined that after advancement mine should be grossly normal. I'm actually concerned that any corrections like VY-closure might mess it up. Your biggest concern at this point should be your midface, which will likely look recessed after advancement. Not worth fixing at this point IMO but opinions vary here.

Wicked Sick

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2015, 09:55:58 AM »
My exact impression lol! SARPE and then 3-piece! He's like straight out of a textbook. Get a sleep study, I bet you have OSA already but probably they'll advance you the max anyway just to get things to fit. How are your joints? Mid-30s mine are actually ok it seems but patients like us are high risk, the only thing you have going for you is your sex. Even the lower arch looks crowded, he might need extractions even. As to aesthetics, don't worry about it you're going to look great. Your philtrum looks like mine and I skimmed every paper known to man and did the calculations and determined that after advancement mine should be grossly normal. I'm actually concerned that any corrections like VY-closure might mess it up. Your biggest concern at this point should be your midface, which will likely look recessed after advancement. Not worth fixing at this point IMO but opinions vary here.

My joints?  :D Popping, cracking all the time. I wanted to start clean with a healthy lifestyle, and just today I was eating a piece of carrot until my molar broke into half. Emergency dental appointment tomorrow, likely pulling. It happens every few months. Welcome to my life.

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2015, 10:10:52 AM »
Hey molestrip! Thanks and I've already sent you a reply. I think I mistaken the 3 piece LeFort I with LeFort III? So based on symptomatology alone, you feel that SARPE + 3 piece would do the trick. I'm hoping it's just "that" simple. Pictures don't do justice. I have a very, very high arched palate. I'll try to upload another picture.

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2015, 10:33:45 AM »

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Wicked Sick

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #44 on: November 12, 2015, 10:34:42 AM »
+1 of side, and one picture showing how I smile at people when I have to.

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