PSs seem like a scummy (and scammy) lot in general. This isn't slander - they prove this everyday on real self.
Some observations about that comment:
1) Unless I am mistaken, this was a max/fac surgery, not done by a plastic surgeon. (Right ?) Most max/facs are not plastic surgeons. Very very few jaw surgeons are also actually board certified plastic surgeons.
2) Almost all doctors, lawyers, accountants, and other professionals are reluctant to directly criticize the earlier work of others- - for the simple reason that such criticism often ends up causing them to be involved as a witness in a malpractice case.
3) The good ones will tell patients (or clients) when they have suffered a legitimate significant adverse outcome as a result of earlier sub-standard care.
I just counted up. I think over the last 10 years, I am personally acquainted with the work and reputation of six different plastic surgeons. All of them are good and good at what they do. Regardless of what you may see on TV reality shows, none of the ones I know deserve the general characterization you put forth.
However, in my experience, it is normally true of almost any profession in any community that if you could eliminate the work of about 10 % of those individuals - - you would eliminate about 90% of the problems in that professional category.