OK, I told you I would do a morph so I did that.
Your photos are all different because of the lighting. But the salient thing is that there are 2 different sides of your face (which is case for everyone) and although most people DO have some asymmetry to jaws and cheeks, most of yours is to the eyes. The eye that looks more prominent than the other one, also seems to sit LOWER on your face. The midface implants and lift (where I'm assuming more projection would be given on the side of the more prominent eye) would tend to make that eye look less prominent. So, some asymmetry to the eyes would tend to be made less, mitigated. But it wouldn't be just like that morph you got where the morpher took your good eye 'flipped' it and mirrored it on to the other side. The eye I call the 'bad' one would recede into the background more via the augment there. But it would still tend to sit lower. Another way of saying this would be that a straight horizont would not pass through both pupils as would be the case if that area were perfectly symmetrical.
The photo sets show mirror symmetry for each side of face on left and right of middle photo.
First set shows a line passing through on pupil (in middle photo) doesn't also pass through the pupil of the other eye. Mirror symmetry photos show you have a 'good' side and a 'bad' side. Everyone does to some extent.
The other photos with the black background were better for morphing because the lighting is more uniform (or less un-uniform) than the top photos. Since you already know, the 'bad eye' is more 'buggy' than the other one, I pointed out it was also lower than the other one and labeled 'bad side', 'good side'. I think anyone looking at what you would look like if you had perfect symmetry (but no cheek or jaw augmentation) would agree that the good side with mirror symmetry looks pretty good from the front. I don't think anyone would think the 'bad side' with mirror symmetry would look bad (nor do I). I'm just using black and white terms here.
What I did was take both halves of your face and morphed them separately. Using the implants as basic guidelines. Then I 'flipped' each side and 'mirrored' it to get the mirror morphs. Then I took a side from each of the mirror morphs and 'spliced' them together to get the middle one.
It's not a prediction of your outcome. But it does bring out the midface as is the intent of the implants there and it also drops and 'wing flairs' out the jaw angles as to give SOME idea about the basic AIM of the implants. It does blend in your eyes more even though the 'bad' eye is still lower.
So, what I wanted to do here is show SOMETHING in the venue of what those implants can GENERALLY do which should make it a little easier to see 'something' as to their aim. Again, not a 'prediction'. But enough for you to see if you would like something like that on your face. Although you don't look like Clavill in it, it is the general type of midface structure and jaw he has. Hope this helps.
Disclosure: I'm IRISH and we start early for St. Patrick's day. So, this should be my last serious post until a few days.