last week, the left side of my jaw/cheekside began to swell. I didn't notice it myself and had no pain, redness or fever (someone else told me). I had peek wrap around implants 8 weeks ago. Dr. gave me antibiotics, which rdeduced the swelling but i have an itchy feeling on left side now and I don't know if swelling is completely gone (I guess not).
I guess I will need to take an Xray to find out if it's an infection? What if the Xray shows nothing? If it shows an infection, will I have to take out the whole implant or only the left side? And then wait and redo it again after 3 months? Or can the biofilm/bacteria be wiped out/swept off the implant, the pocket rinsed with antibiotics and then put back in? Some surgeons do it like this, but with silicone implants.