Author Topic: Sliding Genioplasty Journey with Dr. Gunson  (Read 64571 times)


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Re: Upcoming Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara
« Reply #105 on: October 14, 2015, 07:29:37 PM »
Good luck! Also an A&G patient here, you're in good hands :D


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Re: Upcoming Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara (Photos)
« Reply #106 on: October 17, 2015, 12:23:38 PM »
Hi Everyone! Thanks for the support. Here is a small update.

Tuesday 13th
I had my pre-op with Dr. Gunson on Tuesday afternoon. He took all of my measurements again and walked me through what was going to happen during the procedure.
He also flagged that my mentalis nerve was very low and he is requesting a an additional 3D model of my nerve in relation to my jaw so he knows where to go and where not go.
Kimberly was very helpful and gave me good tips and advice. Everyone in Dr. Gunsons office have been super accommodating and friendly.

[bWednesday 14th[/b]
I went to the hospital for pre-admission. They took 2 blood tests in case i needed to have a blood transfusion. I met the nurses who would take care of me before and after surgery. Again, everyone was super attentive and patient.

Thursday 15th
Dr. Gunson came to see me while i was in the hospital bed before going into surgery. He showed me my 3d model and where he would make the cuts and where he would place the grafts etc. Surgery was at 9:30 am. I woke up in some pain 2 hours later in recovery. No nausea (whew). I stayed in recovery for about 2 hours and only left the hospital at around 4 pm. Dr. Gunson spoke with my boyfriend who is my care giver at the moment about the surgery. I had quite a bit of pain at home. I think my pain killers weren't strong enough.

Friday 16th
Went to Dr. G office per schedule. He took an xray to  make sure everything is in the right place. I told him i needed stronger pain killers so he prescribed them to me. I have been feeling a lot better now with the new one. I keep drifting in and out of sleep today and yesterday. Dr. G also removed the big bandage from my face on Friday as well.

Looking good. Very similar to the morph. Swelling today has gone up significantly from yesterday and day of the operation. It should start going down at day 4/5 post op.
I can feel my lips YAY! Top teeth I can feel. Lower teeth feel numb. Chin area - i can feel it but i would say half numb. I am at day 2post op so more sensation should come back . Sorry

I will post more photos in the next post below.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 05:47:48 PM by SGseeker »


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Re: Upcoming Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara
« Reply #107 on: October 17, 2015, 12:24:48 PM »
Photos with kast post.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 05:47:59 PM by SGseeker »


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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #108 on: October 17, 2015, 12:54:23 PM »
Congratz on the surgery. I know there is still swelling but it already looks promising! And about the swelling, is it still at peak or going down(not sure which day you are post-op) just wondering how badly people you know would notice..


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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #109 on: October 17, 2015, 01:58:13 PM »
Congratz on the surgery. I know there is still swelling but it already looks promising! And about the swelling, is it still at peak or going down(not sure which day you are post-op) just wondering how badly people you know would notice..

I am only 2 days post op. I had surgery on the 15th. Swelling has been getting worse and worse. They say it peaks on day 4. I don't plan on seeing anyone until Nov 1st btw.



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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #110 on: October 18, 2015, 01:45:31 PM »
I see. How's eating going? Most SG blogs I've read say that the first few days they have to stick to liquid diets.


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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #111 on: October 18, 2015, 02:59:21 PM »
I see. How's eating going? Most SG blogs I've read say that the first few days they have to stick to liquid diets.

Eating is tough . AG told me only liquid for 2 weeks. Everything needs be particle free / go through a strainer. So no beans/lentils/noodles. After 2 weeks I can eat again.

It's been but I am not that hungry due to the meds. Luckily my throat wasn't tooooo sore this time so I am able to have juices and tomato soups etc. I have been surviving on water , Amy's organic soups, bone broth, green smoothies & Ensure/boost protein shake things. I started to drink prune juice to counteract the constipation that the painkillers cause.
Today is day 3 post op and swelling has gone up vs yesterday. It's really tough to look in the mirror. I look like Guagmire from family guy . Crazy!!! Crossing fingers that it is not permanent.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #112 on: October 18, 2015, 03:02:30 PM »
Sounds like everything is going to plan. If your result is similar to your morph, then you've got a great result - congrats! Hope the swelling subsides and you're feeling better soon! I'm also looking into Dr Gunson for a genioplasty, do keep us all posted!


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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #113 on: October 18, 2015, 03:14:35 PM »
Sorry, I just noticed you also posted photos. You're looking great! How far were you advanced?


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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #114 on: October 18, 2015, 03:21:21 PM »
Sorry, I just noticed you also posted photos. You're looking great! How far were you advanced?
No problem. Thanks for reading through my post.i got 6mm forward and 2 mm upward. I am no where near the final result but dr.gunson believes it will look amazing and feels very confident. So fingers crossed.

I'll keep you all updated :)

I can tell you this- it's a tough recovery. I had septorhinoplasty in January and this was been a lot Harder. I have even more respect now for those members on here's how have double jaw or single jaw and genio. I feel very depressed about the swelling but I know it's not going to last. Anyways let me know if you other questions :)


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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #115 on: October 18, 2015, 03:51:19 PM »
Hang in there, the swelling can make everything very deceiving. I'm 3 months post-op from a Lefort1+BSSO+genio and my profile is still changing on a weekly basis due to it. Do you have any befores we can compare with?


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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #116 on: October 18, 2015, 04:00:52 PM »
Hang in there, the swelling can make everything very deceiving. I'm 3 months post-op from a Lefort1+BSSO+genio and my profile is still changing on a weekly basis due to it. Do you have any befores we can compare with?

Thanks for the support . Good to know there will still be lots of changes 1/3 months from now.  If you look at the two posts from Oct17th there are two before shots. 1) I am wearing an over ear headset (before) and 2) in the second photo post on this page it's called Image 2..blinks below. The other photos are afters.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 08:34:09 PM by SGseeker »


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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #117 on: October 21, 2015, 05:38:00 PM »
Hey SG! Thanks for updating. How is the pain and swelling? Almost at the one week mark!


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Re: Recovery - Sliding Genioplasty with Dr. Gunson - Santa Barbara + Photos
« Reply #118 on: October 21, 2015, 06:51:43 PM »
Hey SG! Thanks for updating. How is the pain and swelling? Almost at the one week mark!

Hey! So it has been super tough this past week. Being only on liquids and no particles either has been tough. Swelling was/is insane!!! To be honest it has been a lot harder than I expected. I had a septo-rhinoplasty in January and the recovery didn't feel this hard. I have HA on my jaw to hide the step offs. This has been VERY swollen similar to ForeverDet's situation. The HA swells you up a lot. For more information, it takes 6 weeks for it to "solidify" so I cant sleep on my side or touch my face for 6 weeks pretty much.  I also have to come back to SB a few times for him to adjust and make sure it is healing correctly. So yesterday I went in for him to check and make adjustments. I took 2 oxycodone and 2 advils (per Dr. G's orders) and STILL it was SO SO painful. He is pretty much adjusting the HA on the area where he sawed the bone. I have another appointment next week YAY. But all of this is worth it to get a great result. I am very happy so far with my side profile. From the front I look like Quagmire from Family Guy ... First 4 days were obviously the worst swelling and today I saw some slight improvement. The stitches in my mouth are irritating with the swelling but there is nothing I can do. Honestly I am just in shock that I have actually done this and went ahead with it. I am happy that I did so I can now move on (crossing my fingers that there are no complications).
In summary: Pain for the first 4 days was a 9/10 I stayed strictly on my meds bringing it to 2/10. I was on Tramadol the first night and it wasn't strong enough so I asked Dr. G for something stronger which brought it to a 2. Swelling: 9/10 for the first 4/5 days. It gets worst form day 1 - 4. It has been VERY hard to look in the mirror. Luckily I have had facial surgery before so I somewhat knew what to expect.  Oh and one other thing - NAUSEA - WOW - I have been getting a lot. I am guessing its because i am on liquid particle free diet so all of the meds and antibiotics with on liquid food has been tough on my stomach.

Attached is a photo from last night. I will share a front one when I am feeling better about it haha. As of right now it is just toooooo much!

Please let me know if you have any other questions :)

Also- Lip incompetence is like 99% gone! WOW
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 05:48:22 PM by SGseeker »


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Re: Sliding Genioplasty Journey with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #119 on: October 22, 2015, 06:17:14 AM »
It brings so much balance to your profile. I think you made a fantastic choice with this surgery.