I rather think he's in the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean, I know plenty of average and below average guys in terms of looks etc. and they're mostly married (and trying to cheat on their wives lol). It shouldn't be this hard. If it was this difficult for me, I'd try to move. Worst case scenario, to Thailand or something. Seriously.
My friends and I live in a metropolitan area (Posnick was my surgeon, so it should be pretty easy to figure out), and it's still an issue. All of them did just fine with women during college because dating apps weren't really necessary. We met girls through class, campus activities and fraternity functions.
For them, it's the atomization of post-college life that requires the use of dating apps which leads to despair.
All of my friends are either:
A: Married to someone they met in college
B: Dating someone they met in college (me included)
C: Single
Most incels (and guys in the redpill 'manosphere') are in their 20s, and I think it's no coincidence that this is exactly the point at which apps become the dominant medium for dating. Suddenly, average guys are no longer receiving interest from women around their level of attractiveness because of the disparity discussed earlier. Likewise, women are now competing for commitment from the smaller pool of top-tier men. Seems like a recipe for bad outcomes all around.
Around 30 is when women's attractiveness typically begins to decline (note that I am NOT saying that women over 30 cannot be attractive, that is obviously false. See: Jennifer Aniston). At that point, many women begin looking around to 'settle down', and the pool of men they consider a potential partner expands because their own attractiveness is in a steady decline. I would not be surprised to see the percentage of men in long-term relationships tick upwards around this age. This too is a source of anger for incels/redpill types because these women were 'used up' by 'chads' in their most attractive years, and are now willing to settle for a 'beta' provider.
Their lexicon is crude and insulting, but it's hard not to see some truth to it. The incel response to the situation is to take the 'black pill', meaning give up because it's over, or do desperate facial surgery etc. The 'red pill' response is to focus on self-improvement, game, and other tactics to get with women. However the 'red pill' also comes with a unique blend of toxic behaviors and psychological manipulation, all with the goal of becoming as desirable as possible to women. The problem is that red pill strategies do actually work (very well) for getting laid; we just might consider them immoral. I saw one post on that forum recently that said something like "I had a choice to be a guy that always complained about assholes being the ones getting laid, or to be that asshole getting laid. I chose the latter".
I don't know what the answer is for guys in their 20s. My approach is to take the 'red pill' self-improvement route while minimizing the hyper-misogynist aspect that infects that community. I will say some 'red pill' ideas have actually been useful in managing my own relationship and understanding why my girlfriend does/says certain things, and just interacting with women in general.