I understand incels desires. Those are normal. Everyone wants to walk into a room and have their pick of the litter. Totally normal. Probably the most human and normal emotion incels experience, actually. The abnormality is in how they cope with not getting that. Moping is about the worst, most unattractive response. Good women are repulsed by mopers and guys who are under their thumb. The only women into that are damaged in some way. Good women want/respect a guy who calls them out when warranted and visa versa. It's really as simple as having even power dynamics, which comes from self-respect, and you can have that even if you're gross. This is where incels approach totally frustrates me to watch. They could easily fix their plight.
Yes this is where the 'red pill' comes in. The good parts of the red pill are all about self-improvement. That means lifting, dieting, practicing social skills, approaching women in public, etc. Then they also have a whole lexicon which underpins their theoretical framework. This includes terms like:
SMP: Sexual Market Place - an analysis of the dating market place based on individual's sexual 'market value'
Frame: The frame of reference or control for any social interaction. They believe women are more attracted to men who maintain a strong frame and will naturally submit to a man's frame if it is strong enough.
S**t Test: Insults or jibes thrown at men by women, which men can pass by maintaining a strong frame. These include things like "you're too short" or "you know I'm not coming home with you right?" or "I only date athletes" etc.
Then there are terms we might consider more misogynistic based on our sensibilities. Some of these include:
ASD: Anti Slut Defense - the front women put up so as not to appear as a slut to either themselves, their friends or the public. E.g, a girl might turn down a chance to go home with a guy in front of her friends even if she wanted to so as not to come off as a slut.
LMR: Last Minute Resistance - Resistance sometimes women will put up just before a sexual encounter to alleviate responsibility from themselves, so that it 'just happened' (note, this is different than saying NO. LMR is meant by women to be overcome). This term is related to ASD.
There's a whole lot more. These guys write theory essays on the stuff and submit 'field reports' to discuss their experiences. It's been interesting to watch as an observer, although I've been banned from their forum multiple times for jumping in to argue when someone says something truly despicable. It seems like there's some potential here to help young men, but it's so bound up with toxic and misogynistic rhetoric that I would never actually introduce any of my friends to it.