Aesthetics / Do I have a class II bite?
« Last post by Nikolai on September 24, 2024, 09:59:05 AM »Some time ago, I received this treatment plan from a surgeon, who referenced my bite as class II:
This surgeon that diagnosed my bite as class II has since stopped practicing, so it's not like I can go back and ask him, but from looking at my xray, it doesn't really look like I have a class II to me. I'm not trying to say I know better than the surgeon in the slightest, I'm just trying to fill in my own ignorance on the matter with how my occlusion is considered a class II when it doesn't seem to have the classic overbite look. Also I apologize if it takes more than just looking at a side image of an xray to diagnose a class II. Thanks!
This surgeon that diagnosed my bite as class II has since stopped practicing, so it's not like I can go back and ask him, but from looking at my xray, it doesn't really look like I have a class II to me. I'm not trying to say I know better than the surgeon in the slightest, I'm just trying to fill in my own ignorance on the matter with how my occlusion is considered a class II when it doesn't seem to have the classic overbite look. Also I apologize if it takes more than just looking at a side image of an xray to diagnose a class II. Thanks!