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Aesthetics / Opinion of my surgeons plan
« Last post by mediumdrinkofwater on April 23, 2024, 04:05:05 AM »
Hey guys,

My history: I’m a class 2 patient, 4mm overbite, deep bite, had chin wing 3 years ago. Mandible plane was decreased and chin was advanced about 5-6mm. Chin was rotated ccwr, making the whole face shorter and giving me that classic short face look. 

Horrible results, protruding mandible border, high chin fold. Now I have to reverse the damage.

I'm pretty sure I'm not a classic short face patient, since already have a light gummy smile, when I smile or laugh. Does this indicate that i do not suffer from vertical maxillary deficiency? For this reason, a surgeon told me that downgrafting of the maxilla or clockwise rotation of both jaws is not possible, since it would increase the gummy smile.

My occlusional plane is already quite flat, which is a reason why my surgeon didn't want to add any ccw-rotation. The consulted surgeon routinely does ccwr movements for sleep apnea cases, so this recommendation was not due to his personal limitations in surgery.

My mandible plane was made flatter during the chin wing surgery, since a bone graft was added in between the cut.

As of now there are two options:

Option 1:

1. Bimax ( see the plan at the end) and mandible shaving, due to the protruding mandible border.
- linear advancement (maxilla 5mm, the plan states 2-3mm, but it will probably end up being 5-6mm after revision of the plan, in order to correct overjet.

2. 1 year later revision genio: 2-3mm horizontal reduction, downgraft or deprojection of the pog

Option 2:

Would be to combine those two steps in one surgery. Which might be detrimental to the aesthetic result, since planning cant be as exact.

My questions:

1. Is linear advancement really the only option? My surgeon said no rotation possible, because of flat OP. No downgraft possible because of light gummy smile. Is there anything else in my case, that indicates a linear advancement?

2. Is there any way to down graft the maxilla without worsening the gummy smile?

3. Based on my recession, are 5mm linear maxillary advancement adequate? I'm afraid it might be to too much. Please don't base this question on the convexity of my current nose, since i had a rhinoplasty years ago as well. For this reason, I included an image of my face before all the surgeries in the link. I'm well aware that I will probably require another rhino after maxillary advancement. So please do not base your judgements of the maxillary advance length on my current nose, but rather on the original one, which was very convex and large.

Pictures, Scans and Surgery Plan:

Greatly appreciate any piece of advice
Aesthetics / Re: Undesired DJS outcome. Looking for a fix.
« Last post by dailydave on April 20, 2024, 04:07:49 AM »
Probably chin reduction will be the best way. You are basically wanting your jaw to be more recessed?

Sorry, my mistake. I want it to look more like pic C.
Aesthetics / Re: Undesired DJS outcome. Looking for a fix.
« Last post by GJ on April 19, 2024, 08:53:11 AM »
Probably chin reduction will be the best way. You are basically wanting your jaw to be more recessed?
Aesthetics / Undesired DJS outcome. Looking for a fix.
« Last post by dailydave on April 14, 2024, 05:26:58 PM »
Hi! My result looks like pic B but I wanted it to look more like A. Does anyone know how this could be fixed?

Here is my result:

I didn’t get decompensatiom before surgery despite earlier orthodontic work.
Aesthetics / Re: Can you give your opinion on my surgery plan?
« Last post by kavan on April 12, 2024, 09:55:09 PM »
The plan doesn't change your forehead. It's a double jaw surgery that advances your recessive midface area and also advances your lower jaw. So the areas that are NOT the forehead being ADVANCED would most certainly not make your forehead look relatively larger. Quite the contrary, the DJS advancement would tend to make the forehead look  less advanced by relative comparison.
Aesthetics / Can you give your opinion on my surgery plan?
« Last post by sienimies on April 12, 2024, 05:06:22 PM »
I'm undergoing jaw surgery next month for my mild underbite and I want to get the best aesthetic result out of it. My biggest fear is the current plan shortening my lower jaw too much and making my forehead look bigger since its already big.

There is still some room for change in the plan so I wanted to ask your opinion on it and then I can bring it up with my surgeon. I'm thinking that maybe there should be more advancement.

Video of the plan:

Pictures of my face:


Thanks in advance!
Aesthetics / Re: Too much jaw and chin bone removed what are my options?
« Last post by mindwitch on April 10, 2024, 12:35:43 AM »
I see one frontal scan, which isn't enough.

I don't have more. Sadly 😭
Aesthetics / Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Last post by BurnSoul on March 30, 2024, 02:41:00 PM »
Alright I got new information. Apparently Sinn called the procedure: "zygomatic bone advancement" he developed it in conjunction with some surgeon in Australia. I think he might be the only one that does it in the US. The surgeon from Australia he developed it with, if I had to guess would be Heggie since he also has written and made papers on it.
Functional Surgery Questions / Can someone help me calculate the Occlusal Plane
« Last post by Freddie54 on March 29, 2024, 01:52:05 PM »
I either get 14 degrees going from the last molars or 20.
The overlapped X-rays make it hard to see the occlusal plane.
Aesthetics / Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Last post by BurnSoul on March 28, 2024, 01:40:32 PM »
That makes sense but remember it's a 2 part operation that also requires lefort 1 to not advance the jaw is what I understood. Varbrah was right when he mentioned Modified lefort 3 isn't exactly the right name for it I guess, but now a days there isn't much distinction.
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