Author Topic: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon  (Read 22473 times)


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #90 on: October 25, 2019, 11:44:59 PM »
Ever heard of females starving themselves, getting anorexic, getting boat loads of PS due to the fashion industries images of what's 'beautiful'?  Ever heard of guys torturing themselves when they compare their looks to men they see hired by the FASHION INDUSTRY (MMs)?

I haven't just heard of them, I did gender studies at uni and wrote papers about this very issue. I see it in a different way than you see it, but won't go into more details here, this thread has already gone way too far lol.


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #91 on: October 26, 2019, 02:34:42 AM »
this is a very similar situation in which I’m in, but whose eyes are much more close set his or mine ?
A high nasal bridge can make the eyes look closer set.


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #92 on: October 26, 2019, 08:44:28 AM »
Incels are essentially people who want to be so hot it covers their personality flaws.
Excellent point.
But it goes deeper: Orthodox/hardcore incels seem to suffer from some weird form of gender dysphoria, I guess. They inherit character traits that are stereotypical feminine : obsession with beauty and, first and foremost, the need to get attention through beauty/looks ALONE (NOT through humor/intellect/personality..).

Whereas most women develop personality through puberty/early adulthood (and their preferences are shifting from MM fantasies to normal men), these guys remain undeveloped and thereby are unable to develop a (confident) male identity later on.   
Their logic after hitting their 20s is simple then- getting sh*tload of plastic surgery to look like MM for women "to fall at their feet". But it's not just about dominating women, as you've said. It's also about damaging them, emotionally and as many as possible. This goes far beyond rather typical insecure guy issues.

So, why is that? It could be that they wanna take revenge on women (beautiful women in particular) out of jealousy because, as a biological heterosexual male, they cannot live out their (undeveloped) feminine identity. This constant complaint about good looking women and how easier life has to be for them, the attention they're getting from others by not doing anything at all..
Some of the most misogynistic male incels are (unconsciously) the most feminine inside, I believe.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 08:58:37 AM by cjQ »


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #93 on: October 26, 2019, 02:05:47 PM »
Today - sorry I look so s**t just came back from gym

Your result is very, very good. Excellent. In some ways, you look like a different person, more developed and robust, but still subtle. That’s all you can ask for. It’s not overdone, not fake, but it’s not perfect either, and that’s okay. Anyone who tells you that your result is not good is off their rocker.


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #94 on: October 26, 2019, 02:24:47 PM »
Agree with Kavan. The OP looks good, but as I said, objectively his eyes are too close. He'd never be a male model because that is too distracting and actually produces anxiety to look at. Much more so than asymmetry or lower thirds off, etc. Despite that, he looks good and should go enjoy life at this point. The majority of people have to have flaws, by definition, for the minority of flawless people to stand out.

Lol come on GJ. Did the OP say his goal was to become a male model? I think a lot of people in this thread, who are themselves obsessed with the male model look, are projecting onto the OP. He wanted a more robust face, and he got it. I think he’s aware that this doesn’t mean he gets to now earn a living getting his photo taken. So why the need to tell the OP he won’t be a male model because his eyes are close set?


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #95 on: October 26, 2019, 02:35:22 PM »
^ All of that makes sense to me. Seems accurate.

I can also see submissive guys liking the anchorwoman type.
Very young women (TeenBeat years) tend to like feminine guys, and I think this has to due to actual male sexuality being too intimidating at that age. It's almost like they need a female guy as a transition. You never see guys with chest hair and beards in those magazines. It's always Dicaprio types who are basically girls with penises. What's interesting is boys around that same age conversely already like the prototypical female.

This must have something subliminal/subconscious to do with parenting or something?

No you’re exactly right. Younger women like more feminine men because they (women) are not mature/ developed enough to risk being taken advantage of by a more masculine guy and being left to raise his kid on her own. Feminine guys are less aggressive, more likely to stick around in the event of an accidental pregnancy, and easier to control. It’s basically a transition stage. The Justin Bieber phase. Almost every woman would admit to going through this phase and then moving on to liking more masculine guys as they progress into their twenties


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #96 on: October 26, 2019, 05:41:19 PM »
That's interesting, Kavan. I'm almost always unattracted to all models (i.e. both sexes), but people think I'm especially nuts for disliking female models. They look gangly and masculine to me. Same reason I find greyhounds to be unattractive dogs. Not a fan of tall/thin -- it looks sickly and gangly. A normal, healthy, proportional height and weight are nice.
They look great when they retire and gain weight. It’s all about bones. An anorexic model is still good looking. An anorexic average person becomes ugly.

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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #97 on: October 26, 2019, 06:21:28 PM »
This all dichotomy between incels and non incels is bs in my opinion. We're all the same people, with the same emotions and insecurities. That includes negative emotions like jealousy, anger and agression as well. It's a competitive world. When people talk about other people in a negative way, they tend to forget they themselves are not perfect emotionally. Nobody on this board is going to tell me they never felt angry, disatisfied, jealous, revengefull or whatever.

If there wasn't some level of frustration, dissatisfaction, jealousy etc., people won't be on this board seeking for plastic surgery. This all 'incel' thing is a label. I don't care about labels, I don't care about how people call themselves. We're all human beings and neither of us is perfect, neither emotionally, physically, intellectually nor personality wise. We don't need to make ourselves look better by looking upon others and dehumanize other people, labeling other people or whatever.


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #98 on: October 26, 2019, 06:35:45 PM »
incels are the dumbest f**ked up people in the world. they legit need their heads examined, not their faces.


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #99 on: October 26, 2019, 06:39:47 PM »
Also, Sal's eyes are NOT too close set. In my opinion he in fact COULD BE COME A MALE MODEL. His results are f**king amazing and part of that is because his other features, eyes nose etc. are great as Kavan emphasized. Remember, this dude is taking crappy selfies and he looks great in them. When you're a model of any kind you f**king have an ARMY of people working to make you look beautiful.

OP is good looking enough to get any chick he wants. But if he's f**ked up in the personality department: not a good talker, doesn't have good game, boring, not funny, doesn't dress cool or have a sense of style, isn't ambitious and going somewhere in life etc. etc. etc. his f**king jaw implant won't mean s**t nor will his looks. At least not if he wants to hold a chick's attention. His face and youth might draw some interest for sure. But if he's a numbnut in other respects his looks won't mean s**t.


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #100 on: October 26, 2019, 06:40:40 PM »
And the above is something incels don't want to hear. Which is why they are legit the dumbest f**king people in the world.

Post bimax

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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #101 on: October 26, 2019, 09:43:48 PM »
I’m not an incel and I think their outlook is extremely destructive, but I ALSO think there’s a big generational disconnect about how dating works. Older people simply do not realize the extent to which human interaction (especially in the daring sphere) is primarily mediated via the internet with younger people. For people my age, apps like Tinder and Bumble are far and away the primary method of finding a partner, especially after college. Approaching a girl with no prior online connection is generally considered creepy or out of the ‘norm’, unless you’re drunk at a club or party. I’ve noticed this is even more pronounced in my sister’s generation, and she’s only 5 years younger than me.

In this context, looks really do matter A LOT; far more than personality. Your shot attracting a girl is a picture which she will evaluate in under a second. Compounding this issue for young men is the selectively preference of females versus males. Females really are far more selective than men, and social media/online dating makes it so they never have to ‘settle’ for a guy of her own level of attractiveness. She has a steady stream of more attractive men willing to hook up with her. The male obsession with looks is easily understood because it’s the only way to get female attention.


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #102 on: October 26, 2019, 10:52:51 PM »
I’m not an incel and I think their outlook is extremely destructive, but I ALSO think there’s a big generational disconnect about how dating works. Older people simply do not realize the extent to which human interaction (especially in the daring sphere) is primarily mediated via the internet with younger people. For people my age, apps like Tinder and Bumble are far and away the primary method of finding a partner, especially after college. Approaching a girl with no prior online connection is generally considered creepy or out of the ‘norm’, unless you’re drunk at a club or party. I’ve noticed this is even more pronounced in my sister’s generation, and she’s only 5 years younger than me.

In this context, looks really do matter A LOT; far more than personality. Your shot attracting a girl is a picture which she will evaluate in under a second. Compounding this issue for young men is the selectively preference of females versus males. Females really are far more selective than men, and social media/online dating makes it so they never have to ‘settle’ for a guy of her own level of attractiveness. She has a steady stream of more attractive men willing to hook up with her. The male obsession with looks is easily understood because it’s the only way to get female attention.

yeah fair enough looks are imp. no one denies that. it's so funny though cause just 10 years back most people i knew thought internet dating was the creepiest f**king thing in the world.

i regularly date hot chicks in their 20s and I f**king slay, even though I'm probably older than you are post-bimax.

I mean I guess I pick up chicks out an about way more than I do online. And approaching and talking to girls in the "dating sphere" as you say isn't considered creepy at all. I mean maybe it's the way some people do it. But if you strike up a conversation about something that interests the other person and then suggest the two of you meet to pursue said interest (whether it be cooking, a restaurant, a movie, some kind of cool place to check out, etc. etc. i mean you gotta have interests right) that's usually all it takes I find. It may not be framed as a "date" at first but it usually ends up turning into one.

Also, I'm by no means really good looking but I find the whole tinder and bumble thing works for me too. Though I do list some cool things in my profile and my pics are decent --me out doing stuff with friends and s**t to show I have a life.

But I understand what you're saying. You need to break from what you call the "norms" of your generation and what you perceive as how things are done and forge your own path. If you're friendly, interesting, outgoing, women will want to engage with you.

You know it's funny, I just remembered, I met some neighbours who live in my apartment --two really hot chicks who are room-mates. I talk to them all the time in my elevator. I mean one time I just blurted out something ridiculous like "f**k I am jonesing for a pizza-pocket" and they both laughed and we started talking about nearby grocery stores. Anyway, the really hot one (i mean seriously hot, probably like 20-24) told me that guys are so afraid to talk to girls. And that for one whole year during her lunch break from her new job she would walk around this nearby mall alone just to see if any guy would start up a conversation with her or approach her. And she said not a single one every did. I was pretty surprised by that.

You gotta play the probabilities game. And don't fear rejection, it doesn't say a thing about who you really are, or even about your looks frankly. Just keep practicing and you'll get better and better. I know a lot of Chads as the incels call them who are hopeless with girls.


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #103 on: October 27, 2019, 12:47:20 AM »
It's like incels seem to think women have it easy. They have no idea what women go through - the time, the effort, the expense - in order to look good. From when we are very young girls (like age 7), we are conditioned to believe our bodies and faces are flawed. We then purchase all these products, do all these treatments, in order to be presentable and attractive and try not to age. I could reel you off a long list of beauty chores - it's bloody high-maintenance being a woman! And it's like suddenly men are having to put in the effort to improve the way they look, and some of them are completely freaking out.

I think it's going to get worse for both genders and future generations, actually. Social media took over so quickly, you just wonder what's next?

it's so funny though cause just 10 years back most people i knew thought internet dating was the creepiest f**king thing in the world.
Lol this! I met one of my ex's online, and we had to pretend we met "through friends". It was just considered way too weird back then.


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Re: Rate my Custom jawline implant by maxillofacial surgeon
« Reply #104 on: October 27, 2019, 01:45:48 AM »

Whereas most women develop personality through puberty/early adulthood (and their preferences are shifting from MM fantasies to normal men)

Maybe you just meant good-looking men, but I speak confidently for a lot of women I know when I say most women don't lust over MM's. 99.5% of women wouldn't even be able to name a single working male model. Women simply aren't exposed to them. Only when they cross over into acting or music and become more dimensional, is when we know of them (think Channing, think Jamie Dornan). Male models are for men.

This constant complaint about good looking women and how easier life has to be for them, the attention they're getting from others by not doing anything at all..
Some of the most misogynistic male incels are (unconsciously) the most feminine inside, I believe.

No. There's nothing inherently feminine about them. They are just experiencing similar insecurity about the way they look in society - something women have been subject to for generations. The difference is theirs' is more sudden onset, whereas women's body insecurities are ingrained from a young age. Women deal with it. Incels take out 'revenge'. Nothing alike. There is something FAR more flawed with them than just their looks.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 04:29:26 AM by april »