I'm no sure why your'e worried about excess vertical growth. Your ramus and mandibular body do not seem short, and your mandibular and occlusal planes are low, all of which contributes to a normal to short facial height.
My profile seems relatively acceptable but if you look closely on my maxilla theres a small gap (was never able to be closed, I had too much room for 2 teeth being taken out, theres also one on the other side of my maxilla) and due to my teeth grinding from an asymmetrical bite I will eventually grind my teeth down so much my lower canine will fit in that gap from grinding.
Yes from profile my bite seems to be within the acceptable range but it is indeed retruded due to the lack of projection from the maxilla and angle of the teeth.. From the front I have alot of soft tissue just laying around my nose-mouth area and it looks pretty nasty when I talk.
As for the dark circles under the eyes im convinced its from lack of support around the eyes (weak orbitals) from down and back growth from the extractions.
The reason I think my nose is also part of it was because it was centred before puberty, no asymmetry. After puberty I have scoliosis, maxilla and mandible asymmetry that ALL deviate in the same direction as my nose. How can that be a coincidence? how did my nose, both jaws and spine deviate in the same direction? I dont believe that can be by chance. A squint nose by itself? sure, genetics. Midline of my teeth off by a few mm? ok fair enough my dad gave me his squint smile. Everything combined? I dont believe it, not for a second. Especially considering I had a crossbite on only ONE side of my mouth when I was younger.
I have been diagnosed with BDD yes but everyone here can agree that my maxilla lacks projection. Everyone here can see my extraction gaps and everyone here can confirm that extractions make you lose facial dimension.
Im focused on fixing myself back to what I originally was, no dished in midface, no recessed jaw or narrow smile. No teeth grinding. No back pain. No posture issues. No gum recession. I do not want things to happen to my face and body that arent natural.