this is the sitting hip/buttock stretch. I felt it more that lying down. Lightly push down on your knee and slowly lower down too the opposite knee untill you feel a stretch

Also perform stationery lunges. Your do different variations, but you want to work your glutes because they rotate your hip back

Okayy, what fixed my anterior pelvic tilt ( well started fixing it and then i overstretched a nerve a little :/) was a combo of foam rolling, stretching and then exercising with bands and progressing up to weights. I foam rolled my glutes, quads, hamstrings, inner thighs, and calves. My most tender area was IT band. You should foam roll your TFL (Tensor fasciae latae ) first before foam rolling the IT band. Some People's say not to foam roll it but it helped me a lot doing so. My quads were pretty tender to foam roll at first too, so focus on that area.
After foam rolling perform stretches. 1. Lying hamstring stretch 2. Hip flexor stretch 3. Hip/buttock stretch 4. Inner thigh stretch/groin 4. And I added an TFL stretch that I can add a link too
Oops, and dont forget to work your core and activate your deep core muscles. Make sure your core exercises dont involve bending your neck and while doing them, make sure that deep core is activated.