we need to come up with some bulls**t study that "proves" weak jaws are advantageous and then post it all over facebookand people with just quote and requote the title and at most barely glacne at the abstract
do you guys think muscles are genetic? (i'm obv biased bc of eds) i remember reading glute muscles and calf muscles are genetic
ooops, size!!! i saw on tv once this guy getting calf muscle implants and the surgeon said it was genetics (of course tho, he wanted his money)
I think genetics plays a part. I build muscles very quickly, but a friend of mine cannot builupon his calves to save his life, AND he's a personal trainer. We eat the same diet so unless he processes proteins differently, I'm gonna chalk it up to genetics.
nef, the trainer had decent sized muscles elsewhere right?weird you can have potential to gain muscle in some areas but not others....hrmm that would suck to be a guy and have this problem. i mean you could try implants or hormones but id rather just accept that i was scrawny. implants on your calves are embarrassing!! and hormones are super dangerous.
sounds like a hottie, nef :p